
    Size:   Keel Length: 80 feets   Beam Length: 20 feets   Built by: Lizardfolk Used by: Lizardfolk, humans Tonnage: 18 tons Landing: Air, Land, Water, Other Power Type: Major or Minor Helm Armaments:  
  Hit Points: Armor Class: xx (material)   Damage Threshold: 10-15-20


Creature Capacity:   Crew: xxx/xxx   Passengers: xxx Cargo: xxx tons


  Speed: xxx feets   Travel Pace: xxx mph   Maneuveribility:  
  Cost: xxx gp  
10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
  Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious  

Ship traits




Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:


  Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:  


  Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:   Speed:  


  Size: Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:   Crew:   Cost:   It takes xx action to load the xxxx, xx action to aim it, and xx action to fire it.   Ammunition. Ranged Weapon Attack: +xx to hit, range xxx/x4 ft., one target. Hit: avgdmg (formula) piercing damage.    
  Wasp ships are lightweight wooden vessels capable of landing safely on the ground, but not on water. They appeal to adventurers because they’re affordable and don’t require a large crew. Pirates like them because they’re swift. Aristocrats are fond of using them as flying yachts because the ship’s cargo hold can be easily converted into posh living quarters. The ship’s raised back provides high ground for a weapon emplacement, which is typically equipped with a ballista.    


  Lizard men normally have a single captain and a shaman responsible for the splljamming helm (often with one or more apprentices serving as backup helmsmen). Beyond that, tasks are shared without official positions. The weapons teams usually consist of those lizard men closest to the weapons at the time of a battle. In battle the captain is usually stationed either on the foredeck or at the ballista turret, where he can lead by example, while the helm and charts are kept below the foredeck. While there are official 'crew quarters' aboard the ship, these are usually reserved for the captain and shaman; the rest of the crew generally bunks down in any available space. Many lizard man ships carry 'crew mascots' in the flooded cargo area. These mascots are often schools of fish, such as groupers or small sharks, and are sometimes used to feed the lizard men, or provide a convenient method of disposing of unneeded prisoners. Some ships carry largere creatures, such as octopi, squid, or crocodiles.  
  The Wasp is a variant on the theme of the Dragonfly, built to suit the needs of lizard men. One of the first vessels designed and built with the lizard man in mind, the Wasp looks slapdash and poorly engineered. In fact, the Wasp performs adequately if not exceptionally. The lower decks of the central section are bowed outward and flooded for use by the lizard men, and as a storage area for their pets. The raised hump on the wasp's back provides high ground for the ship's main weapon turret, usually a heavy ballista.   Lizard men normally have a single captain and a shaman responsible for the splljamming helm (often with one or more apprentices serving as backup helmsmen} Beyond that, tasks are shared without official positions. The weapons teams usually consist of those lizard men closest to the weapons at the time of a battle.   Wasps are an excellent alternative to the Dragonfly or Damselfly for a young mercenary company looking to take to the stars.    

Ship Uses



The chief use of the Wasp is as a pirate vessel, preying on un-armed or lightly-armed ships. It lacks a ram, but the forward deck makes an excellent boarding platform. The Wasp's size even allows it to land on larger ships.  

Free Adventuring

  Many adventurers use the Wasp because it is easily purchased or captured from the lizard men. Despite its size, the Wasp is an impressive-looking ship when it comes to awing untraveled locals.  

Luxury Ship

  For the wealthy who move from sphere to sphere, search­ing for the new and different, the wasp is large enough for comfort and small enough for easy handling. In this configuration, the central pool is drained and either used as the own­er’s quarters or as a banquet hall. The crew not directly involved with run­ning the ship are usually pressed into service as cooks and the like. Some of the more magically oriented own­ers use undead, automatons, go­lems, or other non-air breathing beings as servants.  

Other Configurations


Fleet-Footed Wasp

  This Wasp configuration is mod­ified for evasion. The ship has lighter armor (AR 8) but increased maneuverability (MC C). In addition, three tons of cargo space in the tail section is occu­pied by a medium jettison.  

Bee Class Wasp

  This Wasp ship variant is for deep­space use in areas where lizard men colonists have established off-planet bases. All landing gear is re­moved and replaced with two additional turrets con­taining 2 or more medium or heavy ballistae. The Bee is capable of landing on water but is usually used only in space.  

Bumble Bee Class Wasp

  In this massive variant of the Bee Class Wasp, the legs are jettisoned altogether and the hull widened and deepened to carry an addition­al nine tons of cargo. The Bumble Bee’s ungainly appearance marks it as a trader's vessel—and an easy target.   To dissuade would-be privateers, Wasp ships are sometimes disguised as Bumble Bees by magic, illu­sions, or false fronts. This technique is also used by pirates to have their targets come to them, saving considerable time and effort.  

Added Maneuverability

  The wasp can be modified for evasion. In this “fleet-footed” configuration, the ship has lighter armor (AC 13) but increased maneuverability (MC C). In addition, 3 tons of cargo space is occupied in the tail section by a medium jettison.  

Jade hornet Class Wasp

  An unusual sight in the more ‘open’ ports of wildspace (read: places where pirates and worse frequent) is Gix the Honest Goblin and his ship, the Jade Hornet. Not a pirate, or even a smuggler, Gix is a merchant, and all things considered, an honest one at that. While other merchants may fence stolen treasures, art, and magic, Gix is more practical. He deals in things that most cast off as “junk”, repairing damaged items, and reselling them for a modest profit.   Gix and his crew of fellow goblins habitually avoid trouble. They are masters of moving about unnoticed and not drawing attention. Their only goal in life seems to be to survive and perhaps find some unclaimed asteroid to rebuild their shattered tribe. This rather unusual behavior for goblins is due to their unique history, detailed below in Gix’s personal history. The short of it is that the crew of the Jade Hornet originated in Ssuwspace. To a goblin, they were scro slaves and treated as mere battle-fodder during the Second Unhuman Wars. They were assigned to the Red Tarantula Fleet, and during the Hunt for the Cloak of the First Pilot, they managed to escape their scro masters and flee into the wilds of Known Space.   The Jade Hornet is a modified Wasp-class ship. It originally was the Bloodgnat, painted a blood-red and operated by the scro. The goblin crew mutinied during the events of the Maelstrom’s Eye, during the Battle of Herdspace. Once the goblins got away from the scro, they painted the ship jade green to not be easily spotted by scro spies and agents. They have named the ship “Jade Hornet”, in common, which is painted in red lettering across the ship’s bowsprit. The ship is armed with two medium ballista; the second ballista is located just forward of the pit where the large ballista is normally located. For power, it uses a set of Splendid Sails.   [Was  
Campaign Use
  Gix and the Jade Hornet are actively being hunted by Elven Fleet. When Longleaf and his fellow elves were dropped off at the Rock of Bral, their story was told to the Fleet. Fascinated by the story, the admirals assigned one Elmbow, captain of the Monarch Tradesman Lady Pegasus to the task of finding the goblins. Elmbow was a good friend of Longleaf, and hopes to one day repay the kindness his friend received. He is intrigued by the possibility of finding goblins who might be persuaded to become good-aligned, or at least neutral.   Unbeknownst to Elmbow, his efforts are being very closely monitored by Admiral Suresilver. The good Admiral wants to find these goblins, torture them for everything they know, and then force them to lead her back to Ssuwspace. The Admiral is terrified that a private family scandal will come to light, involving her family using young goblin women as comfort women for their troops during the First Unhuman Wars. Unexpectedly, several children were born to the goblins, with both goblin and, astonishingly, elven, features. The children and their mothers were quickly smuggled to some forgotten sphere, and dumped off, hopefully to die. Admiral Suresilver is certain that if she can find Ssuwspace, she can convince the Council of Admirals to allow her to use a captured witchlight marauder to destroy the sphere, and thus all evidence of her family’s shame.   The scro are unaware of the goblins’ mutiny, but should they ever learn of this ship, they will certainly destroy them if they run across the traitorous scum. If the scro ever capture the Jade Hornet, they will slowly torture the crew to death as an example for other Ssuwspace goblins.   The Jade Hornet can be used by a GM as a launching pad for a campaign taking the PCs to liberate Ssuwspace. The PCs might be hired by the elves to track down the goblins, and then infiltrate the sphere, and attempt to ignite rebellion. Such an effort would certainly weaken the scro war efforts. Of course, should they succeed, they might have to face off with forces under the command of Admiral Suresilver, who are under orders to exterminate everybody!  
Key to the Jade Hornet
  Weapons Deck   1. Ballista Pit: The normal heavy ballista has been swapped out for a medium ballista. Four goblins are needed to man the weapon. There is a small crate with twelve ballista bolts. In battle, Gix will be found at the first ballista, shouting orders to his loyal crewmen.   2. Wing Anchors: Sixteen goblins are needed to fully man the sails.   3. Access to Main Deck: The hatch is locked by a simple bar from the inside.   4. Lower Ballista Pit: The second ballista aboard the Jade Hornet is located in this special protective turret just forward and below the main Ballista Pit. There is a small crate with twelve ballista bolts. Jymbu helps man the second ballista.   Main Deck   1. Forward Station: The forward station is a gathering place when the ship is not in combat. The goblins lounge about, playing dice, cards, and carving scrimshaw into scavvar teeth and pish bones.   2. Crew Quarters: The entire crew shares the crew quarters, with two dozen hammocks strung about the room. Ladders are used to reach the higher bunks. Crew effects, such as the few spare clothes they have, are piled in the middle around a couple of sea chests.   3. Galley: The crew prepares meals here. The galley is surprisingly well- stocked, and the goblins have converted the room such that it now has two decks, each with a height of about five feet, to give them more space to work with.   4. Workshop: The goblins store numerous tools and spare parts they use to repair items here. When off- duty, many goblins are found here tinkering away.   5. Cargo: The goblins use this room to store the various junk they have collected. It is packed to the gunwales with items they intend to repair for resale. At the very aft of the ship, in a barrel buried under junk, is the communal treasure of 6,400 cp, 890 sp, 30 gp, and four garnets worth 50 gp each.   6. Hatch to Foredeck: The hatch is locked by a simple bar from the inside.   7. Hatch to Weapons Deck: The hatch is locked by a simple bar from the inside.   8. Companionway: This short hallway is lit by a candle. The goblins do not need much light to see.   Foredeck   1. Bridge and Helm: The ship’s backup lifejammer is located here. It sits under a heavy tarp, covered with various junk. The goblins hate the device, but keep it around for emergencies. It would take 1d4 rounds to clear the helm enough to be used. The room has a small navigation table, with a pair of specially-built chairs for goblins. Starcharts for Bralspace, Realmspace, Moragspace, and two other nearby spheres can be found in this room. Everything is written in orcish, of course, with notes written in code. A second set of charts, far less extensive, is written in goblin. These charts are very incomplete, with only notes on ports and planets they have visited.   2. Hatch to Main Deck: The hatch is locked by a simple bar from the inside.  
  Gix (Male goblin chief): AL LN, AC 5, HD 2, hp 15, #AT 1, DMG 1-6, INT 14 Notable Possessions: Short sword, spear, chain armor, potion of heroism   Description: Gix, like his fellow crewmen, has orange-colored skin, which deepens to red in his face and fades to a yellow-orange at the extremities. He wears an ill-fitted captain’s outfit, with a blue overcoat, blue and white stripped trousers, black boots, and a tricorne hat with a brightly colored feather.   His Story: Gix’s story is not a happy one. He was born a slave in Ssuwspace, serving a bugbear merchant prince, Thaldrin. Although a slave and a goblin, Gix was quite astute, and in the shadow of his owner, learned many secrets to trade and commerce. When the Second Unhuman Wars started, his hot-headed master decided to join the army, and Gix was dragged along as his manservant along with thousands of his fellow goblins.   In the early days of the Unhuman Wars, Gix saw first-hand the harsh cruelty of the scro, both when they slew their enemies, and how they treated his fellow goblins from Ssuwspace. Many were slain; in less than a year, Gix’s regiment of a thousand had been reduced to fewer than a hundred, and they had only seen combat with the elves twice. Worse still, Thaldrin was slain, and what tiny bit of protection he offered was gone. Gix was mixed into the regular troops. Cannon fodder for the scro war effort.   In his second year of the war, Gix’s battalion (which had been downgraded from regiment status) was assigned to the Red Tarantula fleet, and took part in the invasion of the elven world Spiral. Further casualties were sustained, leaving Gix with few friends left. In a surprise move, the scro ordered the few surviving Ssuwspace goblins aboard a wasp, the Bloodgnat, and ordered them into wildspace again, chasing some mystical artifact that would give the scro the power to rule the Known Spheres.   The series of battles that followed was a complete disaster. For the scro. First the elves, and then these strange creatures called “gnomes”, destroyed many scro ships. For the first time, fortune was with Gix and his fellow goblins, as the Bloodgnat remained undamaged by the battles. Casualties on other ships forced the scro commanders to reassign valuable scro to other vessels, leaving only three scro overseers, and Jymbu, a Ssuwspace hobgoblin, to keep the goblins in line. It would prove a critical move that would forever change the goblins’ fortune.   During a battle in a strange sphere, where a titanic world wrapped around the inside of the spherewall, misfortune befell one overseer. A wind gust sent him overboard, plummeting to his death. Another tripped on a line, and hung himself on a wing-line. The other overseer just happened to be standing on deck when the ship shuddered and the last remaining scro was impaled by a misfired ballista just as he was disciplining the crew with a hardy whipping. That’s Gix’s story, and he sticks to it.   In truth, Gix had always been smarter than the average goblin. For years he had witnessed the abuse and outright genocide of his people, which fostered a deep hatred of the scro in his heart. When the scro left the Bloodgnat with a skeleton crew of scro officers, he devised a plan to kill them all. He orchestrated a series of accidents that ended up killing all three. Jymbu, a fellow native of Ssuwspace, was the wildcard, but he could not bear to kill one of his own, so he took a chance that Jymbu would support his little mutiny.   With the scro aboard dead, and the rest of the scro fleet occupied, Gix hopped on deck, and gave a rousing speech to his fellow goblins, pleading with them to follow him to freedom. Now was their chance, he argued, to escape scro shackles and find their own destiny, free of slavery and oppression. With a hardy cheer, the goblins and even Jymbu fell in line behind Gix’s leadership. The crew set course for the spherewall, making good on their escape while the scro fleet was distracted. Just as the Bloodgnat made for the spherewall, the scro flagship, a pyramidship acquired from a lich, fell helplessly from the sky.   Down below, the lifejammer was being powered by an elf, captured on Spiral. As the ship had a full set of Splendid Sails, the use of the lifejammer was unnecessary, save for that the scro wished to torment the five elven prisoners they brought along. To the astonishment of the elf, a simple farmer named Longleaf, Gix ordered him removed from the helm and his injuries treated. Fortunately, Longleaf knew the goblin language. The two struck up something of a friendship on the long voyage back to Bralspace. During the voyage, the goblins picked up a smattering of elvish and learned about Bralspace and nearby spheres. Although the elves hardly trusted the strange goblins, they were not about to question their sudden good fortune! When the Bloodgnat reached the Rock of Bral, a neutral port, the elves were released. Gix’s final words to Longleaf were, “like us, you are free. Please, tell the others, not all goblins are bad. My people are just as much slaves of the scro as yours are.”   Since then, Gix and his crew have avoided both the elves and the scro. They wander from planet to planet, peddling low-cost wares for sale. Gix hopes to find some safe haven for his people. Although he dares not to even consider it, part of him dreams of a day when the elves defeat the terrible scro, once and for all, and he can liberate his people from bondage. But he knows full well that dream will forever be beyond his grasp. Until then, he is looking out for a nice asteroid to settle and build a ship-salvage operation.   Navigator Jyn (Female goblin): AL N, AC 8, HD 1-1, hp 7, #AT 1, Dmg 1-6, INT 13 Notable Possessions: Short sword, leather armor, navigation equipment   Description: Jyn has orange-colored skin with yellow-orange highlights. Her hair is black and long, which she keeps out from her face by means of a barrette decorated with a flower made of colored glass. She wears leather armor, which has an oriental­style dragon painted on the front.   Her Story: Jyn grew up in a scro slave pen, and as a result had to grow up fast, and get a tough as possible. She displayed a toughness rivaling any man, and a fair bit of intelligence. When the scro took her from Ssuwspace, she was tasked with helping out around the navigation rooms, usually expected to keep the room clean and tidy. The scro underestimated her, as she learned the secrets of navigation while quietly observing the scro navigators from the shadows.   Jyn hates the scro as much as anyone else. Her hate burns particularly bright, as she was forced to watch as a scro warpriest deem her young twin sons unfit and dash their heads to the rocks. Although goblins are hardened to a high infant mortality rate, that particular action scarred Jyn deeply. Her one wish is to one day find the warpriest responsible and extract bloody revenge.   First Officer Jymbu (Male hobgoblin): AL LN, AC 5, HD 1+1; hp 8, #AT 1, DMG 3-9, STR 16, WIS 14, DEX 13 Notable Possessions: morning star, chain armor, paints   Description: Jymbu has the same deep­orange pigmentation to his skin, fading to yellow at his fingertips. He is large, even for a hobgoblin, with a hulking frame. He wears chain armor and a tunic finely decorated with oriental dragons. When not readied for combat, he wears an apron and gloves that are wildly multicolored with paint splatters. Although he is quite intimidating in appearance, he has the demeanor of a gentle giant once one gets to know him.   His Story: Jymbu hails from Ssuwspace, a rare hobgoblin from that sphere. He was recruited at a young age to join the scro army. With the War of Revenge eminent, Jymbu was rushed through training and not given proper indoctrination. Instead of heading to war with a head full of scro propaganda, he long remembered tales of Ssuwspace, before the time of the scro. So when Gix began his mutiny, Jymbu had no qualms about turning on the scro. Since then, he has acted as Gix’s muscle and second-in-command. He greatly respects the little goblin and follows his orders without question. He is a bit more of an idealist than Gix, with big dreams. Strangely, he is somewhat a pacifist, preferring to use his intimidating size to avoid bloodshed. Over the course of the War, Jymbu has developed a deep dislike of killing. Instead, he has developed a deep love of art and has become quite the painter.   Whoon (Male goblin witch doctor): AL LN, AC 10, WD2, hp 5, #AT 1, DMG 1-6, STR 6, INT 12, WIS 15, DEX 8, CON 7 Notable Possessions: Spellbook, staff (treat as club)   Spellbook: Color Spray, Mending, Read Magic   Cleric Spells: Bless, Sanctuary   Description: Whoon is the oldest goblin aboard, and appears frail with his age. He has a long white beard and carries a staff that has been carved into the shape of a dragon (it was a gift from the crew after their mutiny). His clothes are quite outlandish, with bright, clashing colors. He wears sandals and numerous charms. His Story: Whoon is the spiritual leader of the goblins. He has witnessed the horror of the scro in Ssuwspace far longer than the rest of the crew. At one time, he believed in rebelling against the scro, but years of harsh oppression had all but broken his will. But when he learned of Gix’s bold plan to eliminate the three remaining scro aboard the Bloodgnat, Whoon not only gave his blessing, but helped set up the “accidents”. Since gaining his freedom, Whoon seeks out a new “promised land” for his people. He is also particularly fascinated by the other races they have encountered. Unfortunately, Whoon can be a bit too “friendly” with halfling and gnome ladies, leading to several close calls as the crew has to flee town.   Goblins (22): AL LN, AC 8, HD 1-1, hp 3 each, #AT1, DMG 1-6   Notable Possessions: Spear or short sword, leather armor   The goblins that make up the crew are former slaves of the scro. They hate the scro far moreso than dwarves or elves, such that they get a +1 bonus on to-hit rolls against scro. Otherwise they are curious about wildspace, but their experiences have left them skittish around non-goblins.    
  Оса – это родственник стрекозы, построенный в расчете на психику людей-ящериц. Один из немногих кораблей, сконструированный людьми-ящерицами для людей-ящериц, главное применение которого – пиратское судно. Центральный бассейн с акулами даже служит местом, где нежеланные пленники «ходят по доске». Высокий горб на спине осы позволяет господствовать над местностью главной оружейной турели корабля, куда обычно устанавливается баллиста.   Многие искатели приключений используют осу из-за ее относительной дешевизны, из-за того, что ее легко купить или захватить у людей-ящериц. Несмотря на малый размер, оса – привлекательный, даже впечатляющий корабль, весьма подходящий для вызывания благоговения у не видевших мира местных жителей. В некоторых мирах окрашенная в эбеново-черный оса даже принималась по ошибке за магический предмет «эбеновая муха».   Третье применение для осы, помимо пиратского судна и корабля искателей приключений, это роскошное судно для богачей. Достаточно большие, чтобы быть комфортными (даже чересчур), и достаточно маленькие, чтобы быть легкоуправляемыми, осы представляют собой идеальные «дома вдали от дома» для немногих счастливчиков.
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Class:   Tonnage: 18   Hit Points: 200   Armor Class: 15   Speed:   Maneuveribility: C    
10(+0) 12(+1) 14(+2)


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