

  The Wreckboat is a simple craft designed to be carried by another craft, and to serve as an escape vessel if that craft is wrecked (hence the name). Wreckboats are easily handled by a single spelljammer, and are usually used as a shuttle or captain's gig on a day-to-day basis, while retaining the original purpose in case of an emergency.  


  Wreckboats typically have no crew of their own, instead being used as needed by the crew of their parent vessels. In an emergency, as many as nine M-sized beings can be crammed aboard - twelve if the ballista and ammunition are left behind. This is only recommended for very short trips, however, since it is highly crowded, and dangerously strains the air envelope.  

Ship Uses

  Lifeboat: The intended use of a Wreckboat is as a lifeboat. The ballista is often set up so that it can be quickly thrown overboard along with its ammunition in case of an emergency. Wreckboats which are only used as lifeboats, and which never (or rarely) see use as a gig, will typically be equipped with either a furnace or a boiler helm, along with enough magical fuel to power the helm for at least a week. This ensures that crew can escape even if no spellcasters are left alive. Wreckboats used in this manner are almost always protected with a Retain Air Envelope spell to keep their air clear of any disasters which may befall the mother ship.   Gig: Most Wreckboats are primarily used as ship's boats, allowing the mother ship to pick up and drop off crew and passengers on worlds in an inconspicuous manner. Wreckboats are often used as gigs by ships which are unable to land.  

Other Configurations



  Habanera, Blue Zephyr & Quicksilver   1) Ballista - (Medium Ballista - Forward Arc, Range: 120, Damage: 3d10, ROF: 1/3, Crew: 3, To hit: +6, Cost: 600 GP) 25 ballista bolts in the container. 2) Ladder Hatch - Ladder to the lower deck. 3) Helm - The helm is in the middle of the room. There are two locked chest by the door. 4) Passenger Room - There are 4 comfortable passenger seats. 5) Cargo Hold - The cargo hold has room for one half ton of supply. 6) Shuttle Doors - Allows access from both side of the shuttle. Ship Crew: Pilot, 3x Sailors  

Medic Ship

  1) Upper Deck - Used for observation to locate place to land. 2) Ladder Hatch - Ladder to the lower deck. 3) Helm - The helm is in the middle of the room. There are two locked chest by the door. 4) Sickbay There are 4 bunk beds and 2 chairs where the medic could attend to the ill and the wounded. A medical desk with chair is at the back of the shuttle. There are 2 small and 1 large cabinets with many small drawers containing healing ingredients. 6) Shuttle Doors - Allows access from both side of the shuttle. Ship Crew & Passengers: Pilot, Medic, 2x Patients (4x Patients In An Emergency)  

Cargo Shuttle


Engineering Ship

  Class Shuttle   Keel Length: 30   Beam Length: 15   Built by: Humans Used by: Tonnage: 4 tons Landing: Land, Water Power Type: Minor Helm, Spell Engine Helm Armaments: 1 Medium Ballista (Forward) - Crew: 3


Creature Capacity:   Crew: 4   Passengers: 4 Cargo: 2 tons


Speed: 250 ft   Travel Pace: 30 mph, 720 miles per day   Maneuveribility: +1   Cost: 1500 gp   Armor Class: 15 (thick wood)   Damage Threshold: 10      
480 days 1 days 1 days xxxx xxxx
12(+1) 12+1 12+1
  Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious  



Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 50 Damage Threshold: 10


  Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:  


  Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:   Speed:  


  Size: Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:   Crew:   Cost:   It takes xx action to load the xxxx, xx action to aim it, and xx action to fire it.   Ammunition. Ranged Weapon Attack: +xx to hit, range xxx/x4 ft., one target. Hit: avgdmg (formula) piercing damage.  




  Quality:   Morale:   Wages:  

Notable members of crew



  Captain:   Spelljammer:  

Ship modules


Ship upgrades

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