Specter Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Death is a commonality of the living. For most, it is an inevitability. And even those who have managed to cheat death for ages might suddenly find themselves facing it. Death is thus a source of much anger and despair. Yet many also see it as the natural companion of life, a necessary part of the overall picture. From these potent feelings form specters, death made manifest.   Each specter is an agent of a specific type of death and a nourished whenever a life perishes to it. They thus seek out places where their death is common, or seek to fabricate it themselves. There are as many types of specters as there are ways to die, and they are feared in many societies.   Specters engage in battle for many reasons, sometimes to cause the very death they crave. They are very hardy, being able to negate death many times over. Yet even when events turn on them they rarely back down even when risking their existence, most of them accepting their time has come.

Basic Information


Depends on subspecies. All specters are, however, exceedingly tough and difficult to kill. On the flipside, they also have a hard time recovering from any wounds they do receive, as the only way for them to heal is to feed off the death of others.

Genetics and Reproduction

Specters are born fully formed from congealed death.

Growth Rate & Stages

Specters are born hyperfixated on their particular type of death, growing more complex personalities over their life

Ecology and Habitats

Any place where there's life, specters will flock

Dietary Needs and Habits

Specters are thanatovores. They feed of death, with each type of specter feeding off a specific type of death. Their hunting methods vary depending on what kind of death they feed of.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Specters are loners by nature and rarely find societies that will openly accept them. Depending on their nature, they sometimes find beings that are willing to accompany them.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Specters are rare, but can be found in just about any sphere.

Average Intelligence

Specters are sapient beings. They tend towards being coldly cunning and calculating, with a predatory layer of charm.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dependant on the particular species, though no specter have issues seeing in the dark

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Specter names tend to be quite varied
Scientific Name
Mors Messor
Does not age
Average Height
Varies depending on subspecies
Average Weight
Varies depending on subspecies
Average Length
Varies depending on subspecies
Average Physique
Depending on their origin, specters bodies vary wildly, though no matter which type they are incredibly difficult to kill.

Articles under Specter


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