History of Spira

The True History of the Entire Universe, from its beginnings to now

The Era of Creation / The Eternal War

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The forms the basis for the beginning of the world, and the story behind the ascension of the New Gods

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    1 Winters-Hold 01:00

    The Genesis of Time and Space
    Era beginning/end

    In less than a second, the colorless and soulless swirling empyreal macrocosm birthed Time and Space, ordering the world into three-dimensional axial space, then giving it the ability to change.   In these first microseconds, that seed of thought blossomed into the beings known as Keios and Chronos. Keios(God of Space) would become the Demiurge, the fountain from which all spirit of creativity flowed through. Chronos(God of Time) would be the Jove, bringing order to the incalculable chaos of Keios. They would be known as the Brothers Empyrean

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    21 Igni 12:00

    The Primordial Inception
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After billions of years of orbiting themselves, creating and destroying sparks of thought, Keios and Chronos decided that for them to feel like their creativity truly has meaning, they would need other minds than themselves to appreciate their imaginations.   In a dual spark of creativity and imagination, 4 beings come into existence based on four principles of creativity that Keios and Chronos prized, known as Ignis(God of Fire and Passion), Terra(God of Earth and Confidence), Aether(God of Air and Diligence), and Aqua(God of Water and Patience), or the Sisters of Form.   After these four were created, the elemental planes immediately came into existence, as well as the mixed planes. This also gave the Material Plane form, with planets and stars coming into being.

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    4 Panil 08:00

    The Birth of Concept
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In a bid to exercise their own powers of creativity, and with a little help from their fathers, the Sisters of Form created two beings to embody knowledge and magic, or the ability to store creativity and the ability to unleash it. These two beings were known as Ioun (God of Knowledge) and Lolth (God of Magic), or the Sisters of Concept.   With their birth, the Abyss and Astral Plane were created, causing magic to flow from the top of the spire (Astral Plane) to the bottom(Abyss). The Astral plane would embody the dreams and ideas of the Spire's residents, while the Abyss would embody the desires and actions.

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    2 Igni 13:00

    Birth of the Titans
    Life, Birth

    On a small planet near the center of the Material Plane, the species that would soon be known as the Titans will evolve.   After their evolution, and the subsequent birth of Titan Civilization, Chronos and Keios notified the rest of the gods about their miraculous new children, and the gods were jubilant in having hundreds if not thousands of new minds to share their creativity with.