
"They were upon us in a flock, crones with the talons and wings of great eagles. As they descended, they screeched with a strange melody that paralyzed us. As the first one tore into her victim's flesh, the spell was broken. We ran. I do not know how they did not see me."
— Laris of Shalie, survivor of a harpy attack.
The harpy is a monster from the Eastern Archipelago in the Tescaries. With the torso and head of a crone but their arms and legs replaced with talons, and with wings sprouting from their backs, the harpies would be almost man-high were it not for their constant hunch. One of the most dangerous creatures on the isles, harpy encounters are rarely peaceful or pleasant. The harpies regard humans, or indeed any other species weak or small enough for them to kill as food, and though their bodies appear small and frail, they are possessed of a frightful strength.   Harpies are poorly understood, as most knowledge about them comes from survivors of harpy attacks. Apparently capable of communication and coordination among themselves, harpies are known to live in large covens that hunt as a group. Some even use weapons stolen from humans. However, no-one has ever seen harpy art, and though some accounts claim that they are attracted to shiny things, others say that harpies have no aesthetic preferences whatsoever. Notably, there are no accounts of a harpy eating anything that is not meat. Particularly large harpy covens have been known to attack entire clans, leaving behind Harpy Tombs.   Tescarana legend says that the harpies were long ago cursed by Tinia, and hunt his faithful forevermore out of a desire for vengeance. Some myths also claim that harpies kidnap girl children to turn into more harpies. Most scholars agree that the harpy is not a natural creature, some suggesting that they are perhaps the descendants of Borderworld Demons stranded in the material world.  


Harpies are typically around a meter and a half tall, with a large wingspan. Though their hands are taloned, they are capable of using them for fine manipulation. While appearing smaller than a man, harpies are said to be able to carry off grown adults in their talons. Harpy reproduction is not understood, and all harpies appear as cursed women. Though harpies do not speak any known language and do not attempt to trade or parlay, harpy covens do appear to communicate, and are often led by a particularly vicious harpy that is larger than the others. Though more than capable of rending their prey with their talons, harpies are also capable of paralyzing or captivating other creatures with their strangely melodic screeches, taking away their ability to resist before they are eaten.
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Dec 27, 2020 16:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ugh they sound really creepy to look at! D: I like the quote you have at the beginning - glad there was a survivor.