Khelish Nobility of Fin-Allan

A class of people that has become less relevant with Exodite rule, the nobility has lost many of their legal privileges and have been forced into many concessions by the rulers of Fin-Allan. Nevertheless, the power of feudal landowners does not go away quickly or quietly. Nobles living both inside and outside Fin-Allan still own the majority of the land in Fin-Allan through various ancestral deeds. However, their actual political power has been significantly curtailed. The nobility tend to be somewhat distanced from the frequent disputes between Exodites and the Rivermen, and support both or neither depending on the situation. The elves ascent has reduced their power, but they recognize that while the Rivermen might hold the nobility of old to some kind of mythical status to draw inspiration from and evaluate, if it was the nobility running the mills they would have the exact same problems the Exodites are having.   There are eight noble families that currently hold a seat on the council, though the number changes depending on which families are active in city matters and who is considered influential and powerful at the time. Most of these families have titles and lands outside the city as well.- These families are as follows.         The Capells: Seat held by Baron Richard Capell
The Grenmonts: Seat held by Duchess Elizabeth Grenmont
The Meaclairs: Seat held by Duke Robard Meaclair
The Robincombs: Seat held by Count Edward Robincomb
The Werhalls: Seat held by Marchioness Sarah Werhall
The Forecolts: Seat held by Duchess Kristenn Forecolt
The Stratbells: Seat held by Marquess Gavin Stratbell
The Estpards: Seat held by Duke Seathan Estpard


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