Mountain Grass

A native plant of the Gafahraz mountains and parts of the Children of Aktar, the Gafhi dwarves have long subsisted on the seeds of a montane grass which is found in its wild form across their native lands.


The mountain grass is a fine, tufted cereal grass that grows best in moderate altitude. Each grass holds thousands of tiny grains, and the grass itself is eaten by many of the herbivorous animals of the foothills and mountainsides, particularly the ubiquitous goats. Though found in its wild and semi-wild form, the Gafhi also purposely cultivate it, and keep stores of the seeds of the grass with them when they travel between the mountains and the valleys.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Gafhi use the tiny seeds of the grass to make flour, which they make their special flatbread out of. The grass is well suited for seminomadic nature of Gafhi life, as subsisting on just the mountain grass would be impractical for most clans. However, its tiny and nutritious seeds make it easy to transport with the clan's goatherds, and only a very small amount of seeds is required to sow the next season's crop of grass. Thus, the Gafhi can sow the mountain foothills, retreat into the valley, and then come back to the mountain for harvest.


While some clans have attempted to grow the grass in the valleys, this does not seem to produce as survivable or large a crop. Thus, most clans have stuck to the old pattern of seasonally farming halfway up the mountain. A further advantage of the grass is that while the grass stalks themselves are inedible to the Gafhi, their goats will gladly eat them. Thus, nothing is wasted.


As the flatbread is considered a fundamental part of any Gafhi meal, the seeds used to make them are held to be of great importance. Mixing the mountain grass with "lesser" plants is a thing done out of desperation and famine. "Mixing seeds" is a common Gafhi expression for hardship.


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Jul 13, 2023 15:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What a useful grass! I love that the goats will eat the stems that the Gahfi can't eat!

Aug 14, 2023 22:55 by Deleyna Marr

I like the way you used the seed as a part of the culture and brought in the saying of "mixing seeds" - this makes the world feel very real.
