Voice of the Mountain

The Voice of the Mountain (Terara Dimits) was the highest authority among Lorechanters. The leader of the Monastery of the Holy Mountain, the Voice of the Mountain kept watch over the most sacred site of all Thaner. The highest position in the holiest temple, there ever only was one Voice of the Mountain, and whoever held that title was superior all other Learned Voices of the Lorechanters. This order persisted for centuries even though mount Aktar was located in Deim't and occasionally the two kingdoms had strained relations.


There has been no Voice of the Mountain since the Fall of the Thaner, as the monastery has been vacated and the election of a new Voice has not been possible.


The Voice of the Mountain was a senior lorechanter in the Monastery of the Holy Mountain, elected by secret ballot by those Wise in History who were present. Curiously, any who held the rank of Wise in History and were present at the monastery could vote, even if they were not part of the Monastery of the Holy Mountain, and holders of the higher rank of Learned Voice could not vote, even if they were present. Being elected as a Voice required first achieving the rank of Wise in History before being elected by one's peers, and most Voices came from nearby monasteries. Often, particularly talented lorechanters would be sent to join the Monastery of the Holy Mountain in hopes that they would eventually become the Voice.


The Voice of the Mountain was the leader of the most sacred monastery, and further had a role as chronicler. The great stele upon the mountain was personally carved by the Voice, and was considered an infallible record of the most important events to occur in the Thaner lands.


As the highest ranking cleric in the most important monastery, the Voice of the Mountain also had a great social role, and they had a crucial role in setting official temple policy for the Lorechanters.

Religious, Clerical
Alternative Naming
Terara Dimits
Length of Term
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