History of the Thaner

  • 442

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    Fall of the Thaner

    More reading
    Fall of the Thaner
  • 497



    Dragonthrall invasion of 97
    Military action

    One of the more successful invasions of Agbithan Gafhi, the flood of dragonthralls from the mountains reached the river Baratre and besieged Harhoun, but were ultimately beaten in the April of 498 by Yaner's forces. In the following months, the dragonthralls were pushed out of crusader land.

  • 502



    Winter famine of 503
    Disaster / Destruction

    Poor harvest in 502 results in famine, particularly in Howudra lands.

  • 503



    Hagus' Revolt

    More reading
    Hagus' Revolt
  • 503



    Pillar of Horns Invasion
    Military action

    In the winter of 504, the Pillar of Horns sent forth marauders into the whole of the Baratre valley. Though the invasion swept away resistance in the far east, the Howudra Gafhi bled the dragonthralls in the north as the Gafhi Serafi reformed. As the dragon's forces overextended themselves, the Gafhi Serafi led by Yaner smashed them at Koskaro on the 12th of May. In the following weeks, the greater proportion of them were driven away from crusader land.

  • 511


    Ikdanat recapture of Sholos

    The exile company Ikdanat move on Sholos and rout the dragonthralls there.