Barrier Mountain Realm
Citadel of Diahrzab
Description: a subterranean mountain fortressColors: Deep Blue & Gold
Standard/Emblem: Mountain & Hammers Leading Figures:
- Gundin II - Overlord of Diahrzab (until 3236)
- Field Commander Gondek - later was self-proclaimed King Gondek I
- General Simli - Gondek's second-hand
- General Bogrun - of the Diahrzab Guard
- Captain Mumen - of the Diahrzab Guard
- Steward Belbree - of the court
- Sire Lugger - nobleman
Citadel of Bazadunar
Description: a subterranean mountain fortress, capital of the Thurim citadelsColors: Deep Blue & Gold
Standard/Emblem: Mountain & Stars Leading Figures:
- King Thurin IV - Ruler of the Barrier Mountains
- Field Commander Grasson - commander of Bazadunar forces
- Steward Durik - of the court
- former kings: Thurin I, Thurin III, Thamer IV, Dandin I
Citadel of Kharzad
Description: a subterranean mountain fortress, off-limits to non-Thurim racesColors: Deep Blue & Gold
Standard/Emblem: Mountain & Picks Character/Adventure History: Due to the fact that Kharzad is a restricted citadel, no characters have ever been there.