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Damiar Guthane

Knight of the Winged Sword From Ginon

Personality Characteristics


Damiar's last and best memory of Onscra, was the day when the young Lord Ukkasen entered the city in triumph, with the great sword Sanctica shining brightly above him as he held it high before his train of valiant warriors. Ukkasen led a company of horsemen, all dressed in white. Warriors of the Most High, they bore the sign of the Winged Sword on their shields, riding with the silent and proud dignity of those who are irrevocably committed to their calling.   It was in this moment that Damiar felt the hand of the Most High upon him as well. He petitioned Lord Sertidon, Ukkasen's shield-mate and Captain of the Knights, that he might be granted the privilege of riding with the Order. He was accepted, and from that moment on Damiar too bore the sign of the Winged Sword upon his shield.   In the weeks and months that followed, Sertidon took command of the Order's knights, Ukkasen having set off alone on a quest to the eastern land of the evil Witch, Evanchoris. To the south of Onscra, the Witch's Traüllish forces were descending from the foothills of the Barrier Range, threatening the whole Caal-Banaldor River valley. When the city of Allent came under attack, the Knights of the Winged Sword were called to break the siege. But their efforts were to no avail, for by the time the Knights could reach the city, it had already fallen to to the Traüllish hordes, who had now turned their attention toward Onscra itself.   It was during this time that Damiar had begun to notice that the relationship between the Order and the Keepers of Onscra was not what he had assumed it was. High Keeper Alerec appeared to resent the existence of the Winged Swords, as if the Order represented a threat to his office; and yet, the Keeper relied on their swords to defend the lands under his protection. Damiar suspected that it was the Keeper's suspicious nature which was the cause of the continual inconsistencies in the orders and direction that had been forwarded to Lord Sertidon from Onscra.   In the early Spring of the year 3239, Damiar noticed Lord Sertidon's mood suddenly change. The Lord took on an air of confident satisfaction, as if some great work had been completed, though the war with the Traüllish armies had not subsided. It was not as though Sertidon's relationship with Alerec had improved; if anything, the Captain of the Order had come to be even more at odds with the Keeper of Onscra by then, and the situation was continuing to deteriorate.   In late August, Lord Sertidon himself was recalled to Onscra to account for alleged disregard of the orders of the High Keeper. Damiar accompanied Sertidon to Onscra, where the Lord stridently maintained the autonomy of his Order. Sertidon argued that the Knights of the Winged Sword, though they were duty-bound to the defense of the people, were not bound to the authority of the High Keeper. Keeper Alerec countered by declaring that those who did not consider themselves bound to the authority of the High Keeper were outside of the Hope and Tradition of Aishelon, of which the Keepers were guardians. Sertidon denied that the Keepers were the sole mediators of the Hope and Tradition, and declared that in conscience, he could not yield to their authority.   Upon the departure of Sertidon from the city, High Keeper Alerec issued an edict declaring Sertidon officially cast out. He was pronounced cut off from the Hope and Tradition of Aishelon and banned from the Presence of the Crucible. Moreover, the Order of the Winged Swords was outlawed, and Alerec called for the Knights to lay down their arms, until such time as they declared their allegiance to the Keepers of Onscra.   Some knights did surrender themselves to Onscra, but many others, like Damiar, remained loyal to the Order and to Sertidon. They moved north into the lands of Rodessa, where they would remain beyond the direct reach of the High Keeper's authority. The Knights of the Order travelled the lands to the east and west of the Caal, settling where they would among the many small towns and villages. That is how Damiar came to be in Duraman's Briar, in the Spring of the year 3240.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
220 lbs.


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