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GR 19: Sands of Destruction

When the Uruk colony ship Ka’Dra was blown off course on a journey to the southern continent, the survivors were forced to travel across the desert, relying on the hospitality of the desert-dwelling Al-badi people. Introduced to a very different culture from their own, the rigidly faithful Uruks were determined to spread the law of Urukaan and the Rule of their God Aduna to those they encountered. When the party encountered an exiled woman named Hazia, Drag’kikh took her as his wife and adopted her son Ismani. Returning with Hazia to her people, her father, the Sheik Malada was at the point of death. With the defeat of a challenger named Tani in single combat by Drag’kikh, the infant Ismani was named Sultan of the Nagasi (the Great Desert).   The pace of events quickened as it followed the party through the next several years, as the each developed their leadership roles. Drag’kikh became a great commander of armies. Cha’aldek formed a group of fierce iconoclastic warriors, later to be known as the “Cha’alites.” Zamboul’grad became a respected teacher, through whom the people of the south were taught the Law of Urukaan. The campaign ended with the conversion of the people of the south to the faith of Aduna.   OUTSIDE GAME-TIME: The time-frame of this campaign was not entirely clear. It was the first time the southern continent was featured in the game, and the origins of the southern culture had not been previously established. The prevalence of reptilian creatures and the ruins of a former civilization suggested that the southern continent had been the realm of Saurians, long vanished.
Dates Played: August 1993 - Winter 1995
Play Sessions: 15
Session Venue: Maple Lake, MN
Rule System: SpiritQuest - 2   SpiritQuest Setting:
Era: Age of Exile
Time Frame: 2257-2274 S.R.
Region: Isman
Origin: The Southern Seas
Destination: The Deserts of the Nagasi   Player Characters:
Zamboul’grad, Uruk Craftsman - Keenan Raverty
Drag’Kikh, Uruk Soldier - Vince Krenz
Cha’aldek, Uruk Archer - Jon Raverty
Greig’zen, Uruk Brigand - Greg Krenz
Tza’ben, Uruk Soldier - Ben Omundson   Important Non-Player Characters:
Muudrag, Old Uruk Mystic
Asheral Amina, Caravan Leader (Al-Rais)
Khorda, Gephtan Desert Rider
Hazia, Daughter of Sheik Malada
Amora, Wife of Sheik Malada
Tani, Nephew of Sheik Malada
Isman, Infant son of Hazia
Ahzurann, Ancient Air Spirit (Jinniri)


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