GR 35: Snows of Greyhome
Zirakhulud (Greyhome) was a Duergun garrison town in the Empire Mountains. In the frontier region of Norodmaruk, it was established to protect the Raguzan (river-plains) southern border from various humanoid clans and monstrous invaders. Over the years, Greyhome has developed a proud reputation as stalwart defenders of the border. The town is controlled by clan Zirak (Grey). Thane Dureb Zirak, a respected commander, is the ruler of this town.
A major source for their water- supply system, Duerguns often use aqueducts (vatten-lednings) to carry mountain water to various holds. One of the Greyhome's lednings was discovered to be conveying less than normal, which happens when there is a blockage. The party was sent out on their orignal mission to investigate the problem and repair any damage they may find.