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The western coast of the Vensian continent is the region known as Maridia. The name for this region comes from the legend of the Marids, wicked spiritual Janniri creatures who were said to mislead and prey upon merchants and travelers attempting to cross the region. A large portion of western Maridia is an unihabited hot sandy desert called the Barren Regions. Some say it is still home to the Marids.   In latter ages, region of Maridia came to be known as the land of Isman, but this is more of a cultural designation rather than a geographic one. In the Age of Nations, the religion of Isman became the predominent faith throughout the lands of greater Venisia. Named after the Prophet Isman and the religion he founded, the Ismani Caliphate was centered in what was the Ismani Caliphate, which, at its greatest extent ruled nearly all of southern Vensia.

Fauna & Flora

Sunbroom: A very tall straight-trucked evergreen, the sunbroom bears greenery only at its crown. Named for its shape, which resembles an upturned broom, the tree has a distinctive and identifiable shape. Sunbroom is found only on the southern continent, but is rather common throughout the lands of Meridia and Eschara. It produces a hard-shelled nut that looks like a blackened toe, giving the nut its more common name of "monkey toe." Sunbroom is a sturdy dark wood; the long trunks are often used for ship masts and roof-beams.   Needlethorn: This prickly bush bears clusters of sharp thorns near its central branches. Long whisker-like tendrils extend to the outer perimeter of the bush. When the tendrils are bent by a passing animal, the inner thorns shoot out, causing (2-8) – DR in damage to all within a 6 ft radius. Needles harvested from the plant are hollow and can be used for medicinal injections.   Rooftree: From a distance, this medium height deciduous tree has the appearance of an umbrella. The trunk is straight and bare; the upper boughs grow in a wide leafy canopy. Most common in Vensia and Isman, the trees provide natural shelters for travelers. Cutting down or burning a rooftree is considered a capital crime among the Ismani.   Wyebranch: This many branched bush-tree rarely grows more than 20 feet tall. Its smooth bare branches support little foliage; it always has the appearance of being bare and dry. The wyebranch is named for the forked divining rods called "wyes" that are cut from its branches. These wyes are purported to be able determine the location of underground water-sources.


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