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Metals and Minerals

In the SpiritQuest game-world, various minerals have useful natural and ethereal properties. These include such things as metals, alloys, crystals, gemstones, and other materials of the earth. These are described in the following sections, with descriptions and limitations provided for each.  
Base Metals
  The following are some of the base metals and metallic alloys found on Aerith, having latent ethereal properties. Most of these are suited to mundane uses, and can be crafted by characters with skill in Blacksmithing. Base metals include:   LEAD: Lead is a soft and malleable metal, white-gray in color. It has the natural ethereal property of blocking ethereal distance-scrying (such as: clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.). Walls coated or plated in lead tend to diffuse and darken sensory images picked up or transmitted through them.   TIN: A lustrous bluish-gray base metal, tin is often beat into thin plates, and used to make pots, pans, and containers. Tin is known to have the property of being able to block ethereal transport. Tin plated rooms and containers block the contents from being ethereally transported; ironically, tin itself is able to be teleported from one location to another.   ZINC: A bluish-white crystalline base metal of medium hardness, zinc is often used as a protective coating for iron and steel (to prevent rust). Zinc plating is also used in the manufacture of sheaths for wands and ethereal weapons, since an item sealed in zinc does not give off an ethereal aura. Zinc sheathing blocks the glow of ethereal light as well; it is sometimes made into shielding covers for permanent ethereal lights.   PEWTER: A dull silver alloy of tin and lead, Pewter is used in making simple cups and domestic utensils, as well as small metallic items. Pewter has the unique property of being resistant to ethereal alteration. It is the one metal that cannot be shaped and molded by ethereal means alone. It is said that if a Pewter object is held in direct contact with a person's body, it offers the person some resistance to alteration (shape-change, morph other, etc.) — amounting to a 25% failure rate.  
Decorative Metals
  The following descriptions include some of the more valuable metals found on Aerith, which are prized for both their decorative and ethereal properties. Work with these materials requires skill in fine-metalwork, gained through craft or background skill in Jewelry. Decorative Metals include:   COPPER: A light, orange-brown base metal, copper is often used in low-value coinage and jewelry. Copper is a good conductor, and may be extruded into fine strands of wire. Copper has a subtle ethereal quality in that it tends to neutralize the ethereal properties of substances it is put in contact with. Because of this, ethereal potions and compounds are never kept in copper containers, lest their potency be reduced over time.   SILVER: Silver is a lustrous, easily-worked metal, valuable for its use in coinage (ten times the value of copper). It is often used in plating and decoration of items, including weapons. Silver has an important ethereal quality: it exists partially in the ethereal realm, as well as fully in the material realm. Thus, silver or silver-plated weapons are able to inflict weapon damage on ethereal creatures. In such cases, consider the weapon's damage to be one dice-level less than normal.   GOLD: A lustrous yellow, easily-worked metal, Gold is highly prized for its use in coinage (ten times the value of silver). It is often used in plating and decoration of items, as well as in jewelry. Gold is a highly conductive material in terms of heat, electricity, and ether. For this reason, it is often used in the construction of ethereal items. When normally non-conducting materials (such as wood, bone, etc.) are plated with gold, the whole item becomes as ethereally conductive as if it were made entirely of metal.   BRASS: A bright yellow alloy of copper and zinc, brass is used in making metallic fittings, ornaments, and utensils, as well as horns and other musical instruments. Ethereal flux in or near brass tends to create a harmonic resonance in the material, which often can aid in the detection of ether. Certain brass items are actually designed to "ring" in the presence of ethereal energy in flux (ie. formulas being crafted). Specially-enchanted instruments made of brass can have up to twice the ethereal range of a normal instruments of the same type.   MITHRAL: Though normally thought of as a durable metal best suited to the creation of armament, Mithral is a substance often used to make fine jewelry as well. It is resistant to corrosion by acid or weathering, and maintains its high luster despite adverse conditions. It is also a very poor conductor of heat, and does not become hot when worn under the sun like other metals do. Like silver, Mithral exists in the Ethereal Realm; it is able to inflict standard weapon damage on ethereal creatures.  
Durable Metals
  Various kinds of durable metal may be used in the manufacture of tools, hardware, and fittings, as well as in the fashioning of armor and weaponry. The most general and mundane skill of this type is Blacksmithing, which often focuses on simple tools and implements. Armor-smithing skill is required for the manufacture of protective gear, just as Weapon-smithing is required to make and repair specialized instruments of war.   BRONZE: A greenish gold-colored alloy of copper and tin, bronze armament weighs 75% that of steel. However, with a –1 quality, it tends to dent and dull more quickly than other metals. It deforms on any Critical Roll which indicates armor or weapon damage. (Quality: Lesser, Weight: 0.75)   IRON: A black base metal, the weight and strength of iron is roughly equivalent to Steel. However, iron tends to be brittle, and fractures more easily Iron is also subject to deterioration by rust, and is often highly magnetic. A benefit of iron is that it inflicts an added (1-3) ‘cold’ damage on lycanthropes and organic changelings. (Quality: Standard, Weight: 1.0)   STEEL: A dark gray alloy of Iron and Carbon, Steel is assumed to be the standard metal used in weapons and armor throughout SpiritQuest game-world. Strong and resistant to rust, it is the norm for weapon weight and quality. (Quality: Standard, Weight: 1.0)   TEMPERED STEEL: Special techniques used in the manufacture of tempered-steel weapons, allow them to maintain exceptional sharpness. Such weapons, produced by master craftsmen, are of standard weight, but have a +1 quality bonus on attack and damage. (Quality: +1, Weight: 1.0)   BALTINE: Sometimes referred to as “Dergunsteel” this blue-tinted cobalt-steel alloy is produced exclusively by Düergun craftsmen. Armament made of Baltine is of standard weight, but has a quality rating of +2 (added to damage or defense), which makes it one of the most durable metals known. (Quality: +2, Weight: 1.0)   MITHRAL: An ethreally infused titanium-steel alloy, Mithril is much stronger than steel and yet is only half the weight. Mithral armament has a quality bonus of +2; it is resistant to corrosion by acid or weathering, and maintains its high luster despite adverse conditions. It is also a very poor conductor of heat, and does not become hot when worn under the sun like other armors do. Mithral exists in the Ethereal Realm, and is able to inflict standard weapon damage on ethereal creatures. (Quality: +2, Weight: 0.5)   AERANTHYR: Aeranthyr is a rare ethereally-tempered alloy, forged from a meteoric iron-like metal. Half the weight of steel, weapons made of Aeranthyr have a quality bonus of +3. Like iron, Aeranthyr inflicts an added +(1-3) points of damage on lycanthropes and organic changelings. Used to make Fae "Starsword" war-blades, Aeranthyr gives off a natural luminescence of ultra-violet light in a 10'-20' radius. Existing fully on the ethereal plane, Aeranthyr is also able to inflict standard damage on ethereal creatures. (Quality: +3, Weight: 0.5)   UMBRAN: Sometimes referred to as "Darksteel," Umbran is not a durable metal in itself, but is an opaque plating material applied to other metals. This special coating dulls the finish of a weapon, so that it does not reflect light. It also muffles the clang of a metallic weapons to a hollow wood-like thud. For these reasons, Umbran often used by spies and assassins to avoid detection.  
Rocks and Stone
  There are many types of natural stone and clay that can be used for various purposes. Applicable skills when dealing with stones in the natural state include Mining and Geology. Construction in stone and mortar falls under skill of Masonry, a trade valuable in any culture.   BASALT: A finely grained, plain gray stone, Basalt is the most common type of rock on Aerith. Rounded stones are used not only in basic construction of walls and structures. but in simple weapons as well. Whether serving as the blunt head of a mace, thrown by hand, or projected by a sling, basalt is considered of standard weight and attack capability.   BRIMSTONE: The common name given to sulfur, brimstone will burn if set on fire. It serves as a simple combustible material for fire, as well as an ingredient in everything from medicines to weaponized concoctions. Brimstone has a very distinctive odor, like rotted eggs.   FIRESTONE: A form of lignite coal, firestone is comes from deposits of compressed and fossilized carbon plant-life. It is often mined by the Düergun people, and used by them as a source of fuel. Firestone produces a dark black sooty smoke when burned.   FLINT: A form of black quartz, flint was often used as a primitive weapon-making material, due to its ability to be easily chipped and sharpened into blades and arrow-heads. Striking flint is regularly used to produce sparks for fire-starting. Being of lesser quality, flint shatters on any critical roll indicating weapon damage. Flint items are easily chipped.   GRANITE: A hard mottled igneous rock, granite is durable and weather resitant. It is used in architectural construction of walls, pillars, and floor-tiles, as well as in sculpture and heavy furniture.   LIMESTONE: Limestone is a common sedimentary rock formed from minerals and shells in present or former marine environments. Usually white or cream in color, limestone is an essential ingredient in mortar. It is often found in underground cave systems, and is the substance making up stalactites and stalagmites. Writing chalk is a kind of limestone.   MICA: Mica crystals are often found in other types of stone. When encountered in pure quantities, this translucent white material shears into thin sheets, used in applications similar to glass. While the material is lightweight, it is also easily breakable.   MARBLE: Marble is limestone altered by high pressure into a durable stone. Marble can vary in color and striation, producing a variety of beautiful polished surfaces. Used in construction of walls, pillars, and floor-tiles, pure white marble is often used in statuary and columns, and as a decorative stone in construction.   OBSIDIAN: Due to its tendency to fracture in shards with sharp edges, this glass-like black igneous stone is often used in the construction of weapons and tools. Especially among the Gremin and ancient Thrau, Obsidian cutting edges were common. Obsidian weapons have +1 increased damage and attack potential, but do not stay sharp for long.   PETRILLE: Similar to “Greek Fire” of real-world history, this oily black petroleum substance is often used in warfare. Ignited to create flaming arrows and catapult projectiles, Petrille is highly flammable. Since it is not extinguished by water, it can be spilled in naval battles to ignite as it floats at the water’s surface.   RYOLITE: A common pink stone, this igneous rock is used as a construction material for buildings and roads. A form of rhyolite is pumice, formed as the frothy portion of the stone cooled. Pumice is commonly used as an abrasive.   SANDSTONE: This grainy soft stone can vary between white, gray, reddish-brown or tan. As its name implies, it is made of compressed sand particles, formed from sediment near rivers and lakes. Often used as a construction material, it can be easily carved and shaped, but is also vulnerable to erosion over time.   SLATE: This form of compressed shale is a dark gray color, and breaks into flat plates. It is very resistant to weathering, and is often used as a roofing material. It has been used as well to make clack writing-boards.  
Glass, Crystals, and Ceramics
  Skill in glass-blowing, sculpture, and pottery falls under the craft of Artistry.   CLAY: Depending on the minerals it is comprised of, clays can come in various colors, including: white, gray, tan, red, or brown. Clay can be fired to produce functional ceramics and pottery, and is used to produce various forms of 'terra cotta' art.   GLASS: Made from melted sand, glass is useful for many purposes. It is used to make containers, bottles, drinking glasses, as well as in lenses and optical devices. Glass blowers can form molten glass into both functional and artistic shapes.   PORCELAIN: A hard white form of ceramic, it is used to make vessels, serving bowls, and objects of art. Especially in the Mirriling and Ismani cultures, it is often finely painted and glazed.   ALABASTER: A white ceramic made from a fine pure form of gypsum, alabaster is prized for its beauty. It is often used to make vessels, small statuary, and other valuable pieces of art.   JADE: This apple green ornamental stone is often found in sufficient quantity to allow it to be carved into vessels and statuary. Mirrilings in particular are known for their work in jade.   ASTIRITE STONE: Astirite is found in large deposits in southern Vensia and in many places throughout the southern continent. A quartz-like material, it demonstrates unique pyraic properties in its raw state, often reflecting true images of illusions. Often used by Astrians in the construction of ethereal items, it has the power to reflect and direct pyraic light across great distances. Large Astirite gems are often used as warning beacons on towers in the Southern Continent.   ETHERSTONE: Etherstone is a rather common quartz-like material able to cache ethereal energy. Cut into small walnut-sized “Ether Stones”, each is able to store the equivalent of one ethereal “charge” (see Section 4.6 – Charged Ethereal Items). Larger crystals of greater capacity are rarely made, since they tend to be unstable as storage devices.   DIAHRZITE: Sometimes referred to as "Glasteel," this rare, transparent glass-like material was originally produced by Thurim master-craftsmen for the Faer’zudan wars. Ethereally transformed from metal to a crystalline structure, once forged, Diahrzite is resistant to virtually all forms of ethereal energy and cannot be transformed or broken by ethereal means. Diahrzite is non-magnetic, and will not conduct electricity or heat to its bearer. It has a +2 quality, and is only half the normal weight of steel. Due to its ethereal nature, Diahrzite is able to inflict standard weapon damage on ethereal creatures. (Statistics: Quality: +2, Weight: 0.5)   CRYSMAL: Crysmal was first invented by the ancient Solari Fae for use in ethereal weapons and artifacts. Using the pyraic mode, Crysmal is manufactured from a specific type of Asterite stone potentiated with an inner “inertial flame” — ethereally increasing its attack and damage potential. Crysmal shines with infrared light in a 10'-20' radius at all times. Existing fully on the ethereal plane, Crysmal is able to inflict standard damage on ethereal creatures. (Statistics: Quality: +2, Weight: 0.5)  
Jewels and Gemstones
  Due to their rarity and beauty, some minerals and precious stones are recognized as "gemstones." These materials may be identified and mined by those who have the skills of Geology and Mining. They may be cut and worked by those who have craft skill in Jewelry.   ORNAMENTAL STONES: Ornamental stones are translucent or opaque stones of various colors. They tend to be of lesser quality than other gemstones, and have more limited benefits. These also include natural substances that, though they are technically not minerals, share qualities of ornamental stones. These include such decorative materials: ivory, coral, pearl, and amber.   JEWELS AND GEMSTONES: Jewels are transparent stones of fiery luster, highly prized for their value. These stones can vary greatly in cost depending on size and type. Certain gemstones are valuable not just for their aesthetic beauty, but for their ethereal potential as well. Each offers a specific kind of limited ethereal protection in a certain area, depending on the type and size of the stone. (Note: The exact nature and extent of the resistance is adjudicated by the game Director. If used as components in permanent ethereal items, the natural ethereal benefit of a gemstone may be subsumed under or "redirected" to other abilities of the item.)


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