The One True God Myth in SpiritQuest | World Anvil
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The One True God

"I am the LORD, and there is no other; besides me there is no god. I arm you, though you do not know me, so that they may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is no one besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe; I the LORD do all these things." (Isaiah 45:5-7)
  The cosmology of the SpiritQuest game-world is founded on the existence of one true God, the divine Creator and Ruler of the universe. This God is a real, personal being, who lives and acts according to his own self-determining will. What can be known of this God comes only through his own revelation. This is not to say that one true God is acknowledged by all the nations and cultures in the SpiritQuest game world. But among those peoples to whom God has revealed his presence, the divine Creator is known by some of the following names and designations:  
  • Ukho - The Ancient of Days: In its original form, this northern title emphasizes the ageless and eternal nature of God as the One who existed before all things. The word is derived from the common Aisheloni root word for old man, father or grandfather. In many northern cultures, the One True God is often thought of as the "Heavenly Father" (literally: The Old One of the Sky).

  • Aduna Tsaba - The Ruler of Armies: Sometimes translated as "the Lord of Hosts," this title refers to God's sovereignty over all beings, both earthly and heavenly. It is often the title used by God as a self-designation, as well by God's angelic messengers and prophets. In many southern cultures, the One True God is more simply referred to as "Aduna" (the Lord) — a term derived from the ancient Urukite language. In the north, a comparable title "The Almighty" is sometimes used in the same context.

  • E'Thera - The Spirit: The name "E'Thera" comes from the ancient Elváen language, meaning "The Spirit." Among the Fae peoples, the One God True is understood to be the Great Eternal Spirit from which all life flows. This name for God tends to be used exclusively among the Western races, though in everyday usage, it is heard in all cultures in the generic term "Ether" — a reference to the spiritual Power at work in creation.

  • The Most High God: The term "Most High God" is generally used by pagans and unbelievers as their designation for the one God known to be worshipped by others. The name is most often heard on the lips of those who worship what are by definition "false" gods (though certainly, they do not believe them to be false). It is also be the name used by lesser spiritual beings who are unfaithful to God. A shorter form — the "Most High" — is sometimes used by people of the northern cultures, especially those who were converted in later history to a belief in the one God.

The SpiritQuest universe, like that of the real world, is one in which principles of natural and moral consequences apply. Good and evil actions bring about good and evil results, in ways that may or may not always be understood. However, unlike many role-playing game systems (as well as much heroic fantasy literature in general), the SpiritQuest game world does not assume a divine dualism of one "good" divine being in an eternal struggle with an equal and opposite "evil" divine being. Moral qualities and characteristics of good and evil are seen as a continuum, existing within all of creation. Creatures, people, races, and things are therefore not defined as inherently good or evil. The primary defining characteristic of an individual in an ultimate sense is their trust in the one true God and the manner in which that trust plays itself out in life — what is often described as “faith.”  
The word “alignment” (as used in the SpiritQuest game) is not a moral description but a designation of a person or item having a ethereal connection or consecration to a specific power or ideology.
  In the tradition of biblical monotheism, the SpiritQuest game presents a single Deity who rules over all creation, both good and evil, darkness and light. While there exist many other beings, both natural and supernatural, all live under the rule of the one sovereign God, subject to God's authority. The worship of other gods, powers, creatures or spiritual-beings does happen in the SpiritQuest world, among various cultures, but this worship considered idolatry. Human beings often seek to manipulate supernatural powers that actually have existence, treated the created as the Creator, while others invent or create gods in their own imagination that have no actual existence.  
Spiritual beings that are faithful to God, as well as those that are unfaithful, both know and acknowledge the sovereignty of the One True God. Some spirits trust, fear God and seek obedience to their Lord, while others live in rebellion, disobedience, and wickedness.
In him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers — all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:16-17)


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