WorldEmber Homework 2023 in Spleen's Meta World | World Anvil

WorldEmber Homework 2023

Hello all! It is I, spleen - this is my first time participating in any of the World Anvil challenges! For anyone who may not know me, I'm a programming student from the United States. My three main projects right now are The Library of Dulūn, a new World Anvil page for an old project, Etharai, a solarpunk world I'm making for fun, and The Dust Bowl, a private world for a Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running.

Week 1: Area of Focus

I tend to jump all over the place, so my focus will be a collection of different things that are high on my priority list and need to get done.

The Dust Bowl

I'm nearly done with most of the core material for the Dust Bowl - I'd like to finish up some of the higher-priority articles, so that I can move on to coming up with new ideas! In general, my focus is on the locations, organisations, and items. More specifically, these are the articles I would like to complete:
Skeleton Key
Sawtooth Gang
Five Fangs
The Hounds
The Stampede
The Razorback Clans
Order of the Red Moon
The Pack

The Library

I have a lot of content from my old world to move over to this one, and that's a little bit daunting to me. My primary focus will be on my world's Pantheon and Flora & Fauna.
Spiked Gorf
Hadthan Tree Snake
Ansaran Mountainsinger
Common House-Sphynx


I have a bit more freedom with where I can go with Etharai, as I only recently started it. I want to get some of the foundational articles done before WorldEmber, such as my Magic article and some of the articles on the major districts of the planet. This way, when WorldEmber comes around, I can get some more fun articles done. During WorldEmber, I'd like to work on some of the technology and cultures of Etharai.

My Pledge

Week 2: Mini-Meta

As my two worlds are incredibly different, I will be creating two different mini-metas, one for each of them.

The Dust Bowl

The Dust Bowl is a low fantasy western setting, with some supernatural themes, set in a post-apocalyptic world. It can be roughly described as Mad Max meets Weird West meets The Walking Dead.

Themes & Mood

A tumbleweed drifts across the abandoned train tracks, coated with dust that only serves as a reminder as just how indifferent the rest of the world is to you. You would've given up all hope once the supply lines stopped running - maybe you should've. But something, something you couldn't name, kept you going. Something deep within your soul, telling you not to give in. And amidst the chaos, and the warring gangs, and the hungering prowlers, you held on. And you will keep holding on, as long as you need to. There may never be an end to this godsforsaken curse, but damn them all if you won't grit your teeth and force your own way in these cursed lands.


The Library

The Library is a collection of articles written in the voices of characters from my world of Dulūn. Dulūn itself is a high fantasy, high magic setting, with a focus on the epic feeling of myths and legends.


Themes & Mood

Stepping into the library, you first notice the smell of old books along with freshly-pressed parchment. The shelves reach upwards to an intricately-designed stained glass ceiling depecting a starry being you've never seen before, and spiral staircases reach between each of the narrow pathways allowing access to countless different sub-sections of the Library. Hallways branch from hallways, branch from hallways, the walls unfailingly covered in bookshelves and hidden by books. Some tell stories of the heroes of old, some describe the truths of the world, and others still posit theories and ask questions. You could easily spend an eternity here, browsing books and documents and articles and transcripts, guided by the Library's single custodian, Saibra the Ineffable, and with two goals in mind: to learn, and to understand.


Etharai is a Greybright setting, a living world with thriving people that strive for community and happiness. Read Etharai's world meta here!

Themes & Mood

Birds are chirping overhead, and children are giggling and playing in the alleyways. A large ship casts a shadow on the world below, and the children drop what they're doing to stare up in wonder. One of them wants to be a pilot one day, and another an engineer. A third among them brings their attention back to solid ground, manifesting some water to splash one of the distracted children, who yells "No fair!", giggling and splashing their friend in return.
Meanwhile, adults in the next room over sit in meditation. It is early in the morning, and they wish to become closer to their world, the strange planet with a beating heart that gave them life. It is a comforting warmth, to them, to sit and dwell on the beauties of life and community.


Week 3: Homepage

Week 3's homework is all about customising the world's homepage! I've been working on CSS for my world, and likely will be for at least this whole week (as of the time of writing this - November 17th). That being said, there are some specifics I'd like to add or edit for each of my worlds.

The Dust Bowl

The Dust Bowl, as it stands right now, needs a lot of work - physically, I have all the aspects that I want on my homepage, but visually, it could use some work. For this, I will be using CSS.

The Library

I'm very happy with how my homepage looks for the Library right now - but there's still more to be done! I need to add my map and timeline, and I'd like to add some "featured" article blocks. My goal for before WorldEmber starts is to get a few of the foundational articles for my world done and add them to my homepage, as well as get my map up so that it's not quite as unbalanced.


I have a lot of work to do for Etharai's homepage! As it stands, the homepage doesn't convey much information about the world, nor does it really give the reader any guidance. I'd like to get a description written for the homepage soon, as well as get to the point where I can start writing a primer or introduction article for the world.

Week 4: Last Minute Prep!

AAH! It's almost WorldEmber! I can't even describe how excited I am!
I have a few things I need to get done before December rolls around. I'd like to work on the pages for my each of my categories, and finish up with my CSS for Etharai. But other than that, I can't wait for the month to be over!

World Ember Community

In preparation for WorldEmber, I've joined with a lovely group of people to provide support and encouragement to each other this coming month! They're lovely people, each with their own amazing worlds, which I encourage checking out!


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Nov 19, 2023 22:29 by Elspeth

This is my first WorldEmber too! I hope you have a lot of fun building out The Dust Bowl, and I could almost smell the Library from the way you described it! Have an excellent WorldEmber. :)

Nov 20, 2023 01:15 by spleen

Thank you so much, and you too!! <3

Have a wonderful day!
Dec 18, 2023 20:08 by Mochi


I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.
Dec 18, 2023 21:10 by spleen

LOL most of it is inaccurate atp tho lmao

Have a wonderful day!