BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The ability to sense magic is one all creatures possess, yet some individuals are born without it. If born without it, the person will lack it for their entire life. When classifying magic usage, there are two categories, inactive and active.

Inactive is when the user is currently not using magic, and only fellow magic users can sense this type. It's explained as an extra layer to an aura, a soft glow on top of the existing aura.

Active magic, in contrast, can be sensed by both magic and non-magic individuals. For creatures and individuals who are not magic, a sense of dread might overwhelm them. Fear can overtake the individual and a "Fight or flight" response will kick in, the person will decide what is the best option. In some cases, this has resulted in physical sickness. For magical creatures and individuals, it will also first appear as a feeling of dread, but the closer they get to the source, the air becomes colder, and some claim it has a smell.

Not everyone has this warning, some are born without it. Individuals can also lose the ability later in life due to traumatic injury or illness. These people are often regarded as fearless or unaware of the danger, as they are often heading face into danger. There are multiple cases of a person stumbling upon the magic community because of this lack of awareness.


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