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Creshendo is a unique standalone spell that swiftly generates seven rock-like curved pillars that protrude up from the ground, surrounding the target, and then slamming together towards one fixed point equidistant from each other. These rocky pillars are mostly phased out; this means that the rocky pillars of Leray energy are strongly accumulated in the magic dimension, while partially in the physical dimension. The advantage of using magic this way allows for the pillars to partially phased through the ground while they move together to the fixed point (target), whereas fully physical stones would cause friction drawback, reducing the impact and power level. As a result, this sudden slamming on all seven sides from this single spell inflicts a great deal of pain, its damage forming on non-elemental magical blunt damage. Many ravel in the graceful appearance of the spell's invocation and attack form; the spell on its own reaming a beautiful display of art during combat.

For reasons unknown, Creshendo is impossible to transform into a dark magic format, thus is this never attempted given a balanced power level and MP consumption. The seven pillars of Creshendo that all form impact a single area of small size at the same time, the obvious disadvantage of this being that any wielder who can see this coming can easily dodge the attack by moving out of the way before they are crushed by the crystals.


Attack Form: Omnidirectional Fade-in Strike
Attack Type: Non-Elemental Magical Blunt Damage
Glyphring: False


The seven pillars of Creshendo retain phasic properties the entire time. This means that the pillars are partially transparent. The materials moving underground do so with intangibility, while the crystal formations above the ground only appear intangible. The formation of these pillars is totally symmetrical and elegant, while the sudden collision between all seven pillars happens simultaneously without any potential deviation in speed or distance relative to each other. This takes the force of a colliding rock and amplifies the effect at the central point of impact. A large proportion of these crystalline rock structures are then shattered or broken off after the impact, signifying the grade of a Creshendo strike.


Personal MP
Average MP usage: 17%


The spell was developed and named after a royal commander who during a castle break-in managed to individually surround his targets with his own men using seven brigade units including himself. The heroic stories involving this are fairly mixed in with rumor and legend, but the traces of the story do turn up to be real. Commander Creshendo surrounded his prey from seven angles, ensuring there would be no escape. The spell Creshendo does much of the same thing using Leray magic; though Commander Creshendo did not actually invent the spell. This spell was installed into the veil system a long time ago by tower mages, the ideas for which existed since before the Avion Wars, though remained mute due to focused war efforts.
Related Element
Non-Elemental Magical Blunt Damage
Effect Duration
Average at 2 seconds before impact
Effect Casting Time
3.7 seconds for beginners
The pillars all spawn exactly ten meters from the target in any direction. But from the spell caster, the range of the spawn area can only stretch out to 120 meters.
Power Level: 5.9


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