Downstrike is essentially a short-duration barrage of Thunder Strike payloads against a single target, lightning that strikes 4 times in succession with a shorter duration to each jolt hold to increase the damage overall dramatically. While learning this spell does require full mastery of Thunder Strike, Downstrike operates more like the Thunder spell, meaning it does not need a thunderstorm to function, though is made more powerful in the presence of one.
Predecessor Spells: Thunder Strike + Thunder
Evolutionary Forms: Part of Storm Echo + Part of Multi-Cast
Evolutionary Forms: Part of Storm Echo + Part of Multi-Cast
Attack Form: Aerial Jolt Hold Barrage
Attack Type: Electric Elemental Magical Damage
Glyphring: True
Attack Type: Electric Elemental Magical Damage
Glyphring: True
Side/Secondary Effects
Electric Elemental Magical Damage is known to cause and create a momentary jold hold effect, which effectively traps that person from moving due to the fact that almost their entire nervous system locks up from the effects of high voltage electricity flowing through their body. The person hit by an electric attack feels two types of pain at the same time. One is the burning sensation everywhere from the electric heat. The other is a tingling-like needle sensation for every nerve in their body, often coupled with the faint or light-headed sensation once the jolt hold ends. In other cases, the heart rate may rise quickly, generating a helpful but very annoying adrenaline rush instead of a lightheaded sensation.
The target is struck by lightning bolts 4 times total, upgradable to five strikes with more practice. The jolt hold of each bolt lasts for only 0.4 seconds, following a 0.4 second pause before the next strike. The final bolt of lightning is even stronger and lasts for 1.4 seconds. The final bolt leaves a loud low-pitch blasting sound and may create multiple arcs in a 5 meter span.
Personal MP
Average MP usage: 34%
Average MP usage: 34%
Related Element
Electric Elemental Magical Damage
Effect Duration
About 4 seconds for the total payload delivery.
Effect Casting Time
5.5 seconds for beginners
Very Long
Power Level per bolt: 7