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Electric Flare

Electric Flare is an unknown variation of different electrical Leray spells. This spell basically generates an invisible wide-area conic screen of aim before dozens of electrical spheres are blasted out from a single fixed point, bombarding a wide area with these spheres to cause damage in the form of an area attack. These spheres are similar in composition to the Electro-Ball spell, though each of which have a slightly improved power level. This is not a standalone spell, but it isn't common either. Wielders still have issues determining what exact requirements are needed to master the spell, other than the obvious mastery of Electro-Ball.     Predecessor Spells: Electro-Ball + unknown variations
Evolutionary Forms: None


Attack Form: Unguided Wide-area Projectile Barrage
Attack Type: Electric Elemental Magical Damage
Glyphring: Phased


Electric Flare often comes in as a massive wall of electric spheres as it is driven forward at a high rate of speed. Roughly forty or more of these spheres form an airborne wall formation while spanning away from the initial spawn zone, making it impossible to randomly dodge this area attack. The opponent will likely be hit with an average of about 12 of these spheres.


Personal MP
Average MP usage: 30%
Related Element
Electric Elemental Magical Damage
Effect Duration
2.1 Seconds
Effect Casting Time
4.1 Seconds for beginners
75 Meters
Each sphere has a base power level of 4. The overall spell cannot be evaluated since the target may be hit by a different number of these spheres each time.


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