Es'han Siriean
This mage, studier of Leray magic generated the first successful Siriean dome shield several centuries ago, all to prevent destruction to nearby structures or harm to others from stray magic. His invention was able to implemented and reprogrammed as needed from the constant dispersion of the Leray energy veil, while the thought itself carried over unexpected popularity. The new dome shield meant that wild battles could happen safety from any location that previously had battle restrictions set to prevent damage to important structures or landmarks, and since the dome itself could also protect the ground below the dome from displacement as well. (Pronunciation: “Ess-ħan, See-ree-an”)
Mental characteristics
Accomplishments & Achievements
Invented the Siriean Dome based on the Leray veil.
The dome inspired others after him to come up with creative ways of protecting pyhsical objects using the veil through synthesis.
Personality Characteristics
To battle anywhere in Sprawn Valley, even in the middle of town.
1575 AD
1630 AD
55 years old