Giga-Flare, as the name implies is very much like Mega-Flare, only 100 times more powerful, and several times more deadly since it implements lunar magic to inflict its damage. Zantos can unleash this powerful light screen attack, causing the pure white light to travel to serious ranges and damage everything with a strong burning power that can literally ignite objects and people. This is the ultimate light screen attack spell.
Attack Form: {Summon Ability} Full Area Light Screen Attack
Attack Type: Lunar Magical Damage
Glyphring: False
Attack Type: Lunar Magical Damage
Glyphring: False
Side/Secondary Effects
This skill will cause serious second or third degree burns as well as real time damage. Lunar magic in terms of any attack spell is highly destructive in nature. Unlike Dark Magic, lunar magic does not rely on a person's internal rage/hatred to function, nor does lunar magic require an external magic source like a Leray veil or a dark zone to work. Therefore, the destructive effects do more than just ignore the Leray veil's protective effects on human targets. Lunar magic actually disrupts the connection between the target's personal aura and the veil's protection link to that aura, which can remove their ability to properly use additional magic and to stay protected from any format of additional damage, where it was previous natural. Lunar magic therefore is far more lethal and likely to inflict serious real time damage to targets than Leray magic or dark magic.
Giga-Flare unleashes a full area light screen attack of the ultimate power level, blinding everyone with the pure white light from the ignition from this spell. Unlike other light screen attacks, Zantos can invoke this skill almost instantly, giving his opponents little time to react, not that there is a way to dodge this attack. After the screen fades, anyone or object that was caught up in the screen will come out smoking, if not already on fire. Wings of Night has a 90% chance to appear on the Action Display Center.
Zantos MP Source
Zantos MP Ratio: ?% (High)
(Zantos is not a studied creature, and so there is not enough data to properly predict MP usage, only to estimate whether the ability is high or low in its relative MP cost).
Zantos MP Ratio: ?% (High)
(Zantos is not a studied creature, and so there is not enough data to properly predict MP usage, only to estimate whether the ability is high or low in its relative MP cost).
Magic Format: Lunar Magic
Related Element
Lunar Magic
Effect Duration
4.5 seconds for full effects until light fades. 0.4 seconds in between for fade-in, fade-out effect.
Effect Casting Time
2 seconds
Full Area
Power Level: 40