Harmonics has a simplistic short-range invocation, converting Leray magic into a collective range of high frequencies and delivering this sonic wave in the form of a directional burst. The sonic wave disperses almost like a Push Wave, but only affects the target’s hearing array, overloading the hearing senses with these high frequencies at a very high amplitude to deliver a steady pain that can distract or debilitate that target. This attack does not do any damage on its own, but is still effective enough to cause serious disruptions and pain to the human hit by Harmonics.
Attack Form: Sonic Wave
Attack Type: Non-Damaging Disorientation Attack
Glyphring: Phased
Attack Type: Non-Damaging Disorientation Attack
Glyphring: Phased
Side/Secondary Effects
The hearing is overloaded with external noise right at the base of the eardrums, so there are bound to be migraines or headaches that result from taking such an attack.
In this format, Harmonics is actually totally invisible once it leaves the wielder's glowing hands. The noise that the target hears is that of high-amplitude high-frequency cacophonous noise that is randomly generated and lingers for 2.8 seconds on average. The range for this invisible sonic wave however is a bit short. A pale glyphring can sometimes be used to support this spell, but is not required. Using the glyphring makes execution easier at the cost of additional MP energy.
Personal MP
Average MP usage: 16%
Average MP usage: 16%
Related Element
Sonic Wave
Effect Duration
2.8 seconds
Effect Casting Time
2.1 seconds for beginners
30 Meters