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The Acceleration: Beyond Magic {Story}

Written by Lysander_works

This is the seventeenth book of the Leray Series. Iona, Danny, Taylor, and Alyssa all have a new task to take care of; bringing Jane Venn back alive. Their only friend and family has been hijacked and taken over without mercy or care for her wellbeing. A fighter named Immersa now inhabits the body, and aims to use Jane's Lunastasis as a means of taking over the world as it has already been pushed into a state of chaos. The action-packed finale escalates combat beyond military assets, beyond the training through time, and beyond the powers of magic itself. But how can they kill Immersa when Jane’s body is being used as a hostage?   Details: No matter how it may seem, there is a force that touches all things, a force more powerful than any format of magic. The question of who we are as people is far more important to answer than the question of what is magic. That powerful undeniable force spanning throughout the universe in all of space and time; that isn't magic; the unifying force of all people is pure love we feel for our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our friends, our soul mates, the creator, and sometimes, even our greatest enemy. Not everybody is in a stage to feel this power beyond magic, but such power will never be stopped by anyone, no matter how amplified or evil.

Immersa has every tool she needs to reshape the entire world around her and rule over it for the rest of her days, but she has also underestimated the friends of Jane, the very people she should never have pissed off. Against all odds, Danny, Taylor, Iona, and Alyssa must team up and defeat Immersa once and for all, for reasons grand and personal; to save the world, and also to save Jane Venn. Isolated, the heroic Leray wielders are tough, but still under the threshold needed to overcome the power of lunastasis. United together, there isn't a single thing they cannot do. The love they have felt for Jane, the love they have felt for each other, and the love they have felt for this world is all they have to drive this epic fight forward.

Love or no love, this battle is a dangerous and deadly one, certain to cost at least one single life. With one fight after another, Immersa will stop at nothing to have her way and destroy the valiant enemies she has created, using whatever is necessary and sacrificing any number of lives to achieve the ultimate victory of the broken Scarlet Syndicate, singlehandedly. Both sides are biting off more than they can chew, and there can only be one victor.     Book Number: 17/19
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Copyright Notice: All material of the Leray Series is by the author of Dylan Frendo and is subject to copyright laws and protections unless where stated in copyright exceptions. Lysander_works is simply the username in which I operate when using World Anvil.