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Stacked Odds

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Stacked Odds is the large video game that I would like to make if I have success with my smaller video games.

In order to reach this goal I plan on starting out with multiple small games that can work as stand alone stories, while also being a part of the bigger game world. These stories share a similar setting, timeframe, characters, and themes.

The main characters from one story often show up in other stories as side characters or even antagonists. Some events might be shown from the perspectives of multiple main characters.

The smaller games, that will eventually fit together to make Stacked Odds, will focus on a smaller range of game mechanics. Isolating certain elements of the gameplay and specializing on making those enjoyable. Exploring the possible scenarios that can be created with limited mechanics before the eventual combination into Stacked Odds at a later time.

If the smaller 1-2 hour long games are successful, then I will consider whether or not I want to put the larger project up for crowd funding. I think it is important that people are able to play the small slices of the more grand idea before ever asking for money. If people like the small games and want more, however, I then might start working on the larger project.

But for now, the game Scoop is the project that I am actively working on. The work I do expanding the greater world of Stacked Odds is just for fun at the moment and not considered a part of my main game development work time.