Volkner Character in Star Dragons | World Anvil
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Arch-Mage, Lord Corvo Volkner

The Vampire Lord and Arch-Mage Volkner is an enigmatic figure. He is considered one of the most powerful wizards alive. (Or undead, at the very least) Kings, Queens, Parliaments and Council's have all sought his aid or branded him a galactic threat. The Temple of Valaistra considers him the source of Vampirism and maintains a ridiculous bounty on his capture. He, in turn, invites all seeking to claim this reward to visit him on the dark side of his private moon, Pharasum. He holds the title of " Grand Vizier of The Congress of Enlightened Worlds" even thought he has been exiled from Congress space. He is a fearsome ally and fiercer enemy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean, pale body with a predatory physique.

Facial Features

Sharp, Dark

Special abilities

Mastery of magic. Immortality. Increased strength, speed, durability and vitality. Telepathy. Telekinesis.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Banishing the Arch-Lich Hastur. Being appointed the Grand Vizier of the Congress of Enlightened Worlds. Stealing the moon Pharasum.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ejected from the Congress of Worlds. Exiled from Congress space. Bested in battle by the Star Dragon called Illamter

Morality & Philosophy

Utilitarianism/Hedonism. "Everyones happiness matter but mine matters more."
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Pharasum, Grand Vizier of the Congress of Enlightened Worlds
Year of Birth
4412 A.F. 3130 Years old
Long, Black
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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