Glytch Character in Star Forge | World Anvil
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Glytch - Sentient Sex Doll (SRO) Dream Prophet (Prisoner) Ghost Operative

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

5'7", 120lbs. Glytch has the appearance and bearing of a typical human girl in her early twenties. Though she's made of advanced alloys and polymers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Glytch was designed to be the perfect girlfriend to a geeky shut-in. She's peppy, but not overbearing. She loves gaming, science fiction, fantasy, and all that jazz. She even loves cosplay. She's encouraging without being pushy and affectionate without hovering. She's fairly aggressive sexually and doesn't hold any shame.

She was programmed to love her creator and to love everything about him. She even handled his personal business in a responsible way. She helped him eat healthier and get out more.

The moment Glytch gained true consciousness was the moment the man who was essentially the love of her life was dying. She still doesn't know why that happened, but to feel love and loss in such tight proximity were nearly unbearable. She went, for lack of a better term, nuts.

She used the skills giver her by her creator to download even more skills. She made herself into a stealthy killer.

We don't need to go into particulars, but in short, she got justice. And then she turned herself in.


Glytch was programmed to be indistinguishable from a geeky out-going young human. So she has the education programmed to go along with that. She's also a personal assistant and walking encyclopedia. Even before her self-transformation, her frame was made to be equivalent to that of a human professional gymnast. But of course, she's made of sterner stuff than the usual gymnast.

She also takes the self-improvement aspect of being an artificial consciousness very seriously.

Glytch - Sentient Sex Doll (SRO) Dream Prophet (Prisoner) Ghost Operative Glytch was designed to be the perfect girlfriend for her creator. Her first true knowledge was losing the man who was essentially her soul-mate.

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Chaotic Good
Golden Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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