Aenar Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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Aenar, along with the Andorians, inhabit the world of Andor (Andoria). In many regards, they are similar to the Andorians in physical appearance. Unlike the Andorians, their skin is a light blue/white color, they are almost blind, and they have powerful telepathic abilities. Aenar are pacifistic and do not use their mind-reading abilities against the will of another individual. Nonetheless, their blindness does not appear to hinder their ability to know that they are in the presence of a "blue skin" Andorian or to detect obstacles. Aenar government has little structure; leaders of Aenar society are chosen as the need arises, usually when contact with outsiders is called for. The Aenar are usually considered to be just a different ethnicity of the Andorian race and not an utterly separate species.   The Aenar population is about 11,000 in size and they inhabit the polar region of their world. Andorians believed the Aenar to be mythical creatures before their existence was confirmed circa 2104.   Based on Talla, Shran's daughter from "These Are the Voyages..." (ENT), it has been speculated that mixed-race individuals of Andorian and Aenar origin would be a greenish color, perhaps explaining the greenish Andorian seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation.   In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Hemmer, the chief engineer of the USS Enterprise, is an Aenar. He utterly dismisses any claims that his blindness is a handicap, claiming that his telepathy more than compensates for it.[2]

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