Antedean Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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The 'Antedeans from Antede III is an ichthyohumanoid species that resemble fish. While a member of the United Federation of Planets, they seldom receive visitors and thus have not been seen by many members of the Federation. Another trait that keeps them from interacting with their fellow Federation members is a strong distaste for space flight: although the Antedeans are a space-going race, space travel is quite traumatic for them. For individuals to deal with this problem they induce a catatonic state while in space flight. To awaken from this state takes several hours. Once awakened from sleep Antedeans are generally ravenous and eat large portions of vermicula. There is a division in the Andean race on whether membership in the Federation is a good thing. Ambassador Lwaxana Troi foiled a plot on Stardate 42859.2 when 2 Antedeans tried to sabotage their planet's Federation membership conference on Pacifica with tritium concealed in their garments.

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