Betazoid Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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The Betazoid are a humanoid species, originating from the planet Betazed. They are telepathic and are members of the United Federation of Planets. Star Trek: The Next Generation features Counsellor Deanna Troi, a half-betazoid half-human, as a major cast member and part of the bridge crew. She is featured in almost all TNG episodes and movies, and several episodes focus on the Betazoid people. These include shows with her mother, Lwaxana Troi. Her romantic interests, family, and personal life are plot elements in many Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes throughout the series. Episodes usually feature Troi using her telepathic abilities to help the crew better understand enemies and allies. Customs: The word Imzadi, meaning 'Beloved' is often used between a Betazoid and their partner, whether they are of the same species or not. Betazoid weddings are conducted with the bride, groom, and several participants completely naked, and the newlyweds possibly remain so for the duration of the honeymoon (TNG episode "Haven", novel "The Persistence Of Memory"). A Betazoid woman's sex drive quadruples (at the least) when she reaches a certain age (TNG episode "Manhunt")

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