Bolian Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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Bolinas are humanoids with blue skin and a small ridge running from the back of their heads to their noses. They were named after a regular Star Trek director, Cliff Bole. As an in-joke there have been references to the "Cliffs of Bole" on their planet. Neelix remarks that malfunctioning toilets will hit the Bolinas especially hard, and during medical examinations, 24th-century doctors will commonly ask if a human patient has had sexual relations with a Bolian. The Bolinas have been active members of the Federation since 2320. Aside from contributing to the ranks of Starfleet, they have a delegation within the Diplomatic Corps. In 2366, the Bolian government was maintaining an uneasy truce with the Moropa (TNG: "Allegiance").   The Bolinas is known to make crystal steel that is highly prized. They also own and operate the famous Bank of Belarus. In 2373, the Bolian government authorized the Ferengi Gaming Commission to manage their gambling emporiums.   During the Bolian Middle Ages, the Bolinas developed the medical philosophy known as the "Double Effect Principle" about euthanasia. This form of assisted suicide states that while euthanasia has the effect of relieving suffering it also has the effect of causing death. Bolian marriages often involve more than two members. Any additional spouse is referred to as a "co-husband" or "co-wife", respectively. Bolian blues is a highly appreciated musical genre among Federation species.

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