El-Aurian Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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El-Aurians (referred to as a Race of Listeners by Dr. Tolian Soran, the El-Aurian antagonist in Star Trek Generations) are a humanoid race first introduced in the second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation with the character Guinan. The species was named in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Rivals". El-Aurian's appear outwardly identical to humans, and have a variety of ethnic types, with both dark- and light-skinned members of the race being shown on various Star Trek movies and television episodes. They can live well over 700 years. They are considered a race of listeners and often appear patient and wise.   El-Auria, the El-Aurian homeworld, was located in the Delta Quadrant and was destroyed by the Borg in the mid-23rd century. Few survived, and those who did were scattered throughout the galaxy. Some of the refugees came to the United Federation of Planets.

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