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ENT Season 1 Episode 17 Fusion


  Enterprise is near the Arachnid Nebula when it is hailed by Captain Tavin, of the Vulcan vessel Vahklas, which is in need of repair. On Enterprise Tavin says that they left Vulcan eight years previously, and their mission is to explore themselves rather than the galaxy. Sub-Commander T'Pol identifies them as V'tosh ka'tur, Vulcans without logic. Captain Archer reports that the repairs will take up to four days and that they should use that time to explore the nebula. He also observes that T'Pol has been avoiding the Vulcans, encouraging her to keep an open mind. In the Mess Hall, T'Pol is joined by Tolaris, who comments that she has been affected by human society in more ways than she realizes.   T'Pol reports that a full nebula charting mission would take several weeks. However Vahklas has translinear sensors that would cut the time down significantly. On the Vahklas, T'Pol expresses curiosity that the Vulcans display the likeness of Surak but reject his teachings. Tolaris has no regrets in exploring a balance of reason and emotion, and asks T'Pol not to meditate that night and to experience her dreams. Later, she does dream - she is in San Francisco, in disguise, walking around in the night. The memories then blur with thoughts of Tolaris acting provocatively towards her, ending with an image of the two of them in bed. She awakes and visits Doctor Phlox, who tells her that it would be unwise to change her routine too quickly.   Later, Tolaris asks T'Pol what her dreams were like, and he tells her about the Mind Meld, an ancient technique abandoned by Vulcans centuries ago. When she tries to end the meld, Tolaris persists, until finally she forces him away. Archer later summons Tolaris and tells him to keep away from T'Pol, who is now recovering in Sickbay. Tolaris reacts violently, so Archer orders the Vulcans to leave. Later T'Pol is meditating in her quarters when Archer tells her that ship has departed. As he turns to leave, T'Pol asks the Captain if he dreams. Archer replies that he does, sometimes even in color. T'Pol then asks the Captain if he finds it enjoyable. He replies that most nights he does. T'Pol then says "I envy you".

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