Gorn Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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The Gorn had contact with the Orion Syndicate as early as 2154. The name of their government was established as the Gorn Hegemony in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Bound".[4]   In the episode "Arena" of the original Star Trek TV series, the Enterprise pursues an alien ship of previously unknown design after it had attacked an Earth colony. A powerful race known as the Metrons force the captains of both ships to fight to settle the dispute. During the episode, it is discovered that the alien race calls themselves Gorn.[5][6] This first contact with the Federation occurred at Cestus III in 2267.   A Gorn appeared in the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode "The Time Trap".   Although the Gorn made territorial claims in the Cestus system in 2267, the Federation had a settlement there by 2371, indicating tension later softened or the Gorn had ceded the territory.   In 2005, an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise featured a Gorn (albeit in the Mirror Universe) in the episode "In a Mirror, Darkly Part II". In that episode, the Gorn (whose name was Slar) was an overseer of a group of slaves belonging to the Mirror Universe's Tholians in an attempt to steal technology from the Constitution-class NCC-1764 Defiant which had been transferred into the Mirror Universe from ours. Slar hid in the ship's corridors and killed several crewmembers until it was killed by Jonathan Archer.   A Gorn was slated to appear in the movie Star Trek: Nemesis as a friend of Worf at Riker's bachelor party, according to an interview given by John Logan to Star Trek Communicator in 2003, but the scene was not in the final version of the film.   The series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds features a character, La'an Noonien-Singh (played by Christina Chong) who is the sole survivor of a Gorn attack. In the 2022 episode "Memento Mori" of Season 1, the Gorn attack the starship Enterprise, and the trauma previously suffered by La'an is a central theme of the episode. The Gorn do not actually appear onscreen in the episode, although several of their ships do. Captain Christopher Pike escapes the attack by luring the Gorn ships into a brown dwarf and slingshoting the Enterprise around a black hole.

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