Jem'Hadar Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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The Jem'Hadar are characters in the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, first introduced in the episode "The Jem'Hadar". They are the shock troops of the powerful Dominion, located in the Gamma Quadrant. Genetically engineered for strength and resolve, they are also short-lived and believe that "victory is life." They are bred to perceive the Founders, enigmatic shape shifters who rule the massive Dominion, as gods and are incapable of harming them. The Jem'Hadar are noted as being able to camouflage themselves with surroundings and are dependent upon the drug Ketracel White, a substance made and distributed by the Founders as a means of control.[14] The Jem'Hadar's numbers are unknown, but they are produced by the thousands as needed. Conceived as "more than just another fearsome alien", the Deep Space Nine makeup department searched for concepts depicting "toughness and resiliency" in the design of the Jem'Hadar. The final design was based on a rhinoceros, with some added ceratopian traits. Originally designed on the premise that they were all clones, the first Jem'Hadar saw onscreen were all made to look identical to one another, though as they became more deeply woven into the storylines, each Jem'Hadar was given a distinctive look
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