Organians Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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The Organians are incorporeal energy creatures ("pure energy, pure thought") with no precise physical location in the universe. After the climax of the episode "Errand of Mercy", Spock comments that they are "as far above us on the evolutionary scale as we are above the amoeba." They assumed humanoid form to "interact" with the Federation representatives and the Klingons. They render all weapons belonging to the hostile parties inoperable through extreme heat, and then vanish.   The Organians were a race of beings who had evolved to a point of being pure conceptual beings, the essence of thought with no corporeal bodies. In some ways, they were similar to Q for power levels and abilities. In the novel Q Strike, the Organians appear to observe a battle between members of the Q Continuum and other seemingly omnipotent beings from the Star Trek universe. The original Q identifies them after being asked by Captain Jean-Luc Picard who they are, and is rather dismissive, remarking that "compared to their code of noninvolvement, your Prime Directive is practically an incitement to riot."   The Organians also appeared on Star Trek: Enterprise in the episode "Observer Effect," where they observed members of the crew infected with a silicon-based virus to decide whether or not they should make first contact with humans. They did not technically appear onscreen; they only manifested themselves by possessing the bodies of several members of the Enterprise crew.   In 2017, Den of Geek ranked Organians the 20th best aliens of the Star Trek franchise.[11] In 2020, ScreenRant ranked them the 5th smartest aliens of the Star Trek franchise.

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