Pakled Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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The Pakled are a species of spacefaring humanoids who obtain technology from other races (rather than developing it themselves), often through trickery. They first appeared in the TNG episode "Samaritan Snare", where the Pakled ship Mondor feigned needing repairs. After Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge was transported to the Mondor and completed repairs, the Pakled captured him and demanded weapons technologies. The Pakled do not appear again, but are mentioned in the TNG episode "Brothers" as the Pakleds inadvertently having rescued Data's brother Lore, who was beamed into space at the end of "Datalore". They appeared again in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 episode "No Small Parts" as the antagonists. The Pakleds having upgraded their ships using scavenged technology from dozens of species, destroy the U.S.S. Solvang, and cause serious damage to the U.S.S. Cerritos, before being chased away by the Cerritos and U.S.S. Titan commanded by Captain William T. Riker.

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