Tellarite Ethnicity in Star Trek | World Anvil
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The Tellarites first appeared in "Journey to Babel". They have a facial appearance created by having the actors wearing converted pig masks. Culturally, they are known for their love of arguing and blunt, forceful speech, which most other cultures would consider rude; if Tellarite speech is answered in kind, they will typically consider it an honor. A Tellarite also appears in "Whom Gods Destroy" and "The Lights of Zetar" and in the animated episode "The Time Trap."[21]   Tellarites did not appear in the TNG-era shows, but on Enterprise they are a major part of several episodes, becoming one of the founding species of the United Federation of Planets.[22][23] They also appear in Discovery, in which Gorch, a Tellarite Starfleet admiral, is depicted.[24][25] The animated series Lower Decks depicted a Tellarite captain in the episode "Moist Vessel."[26] In the animated series Prodigy one of the main characters, Jankom Pog, is a 16-year-old Tellarite.[27]   In 2017, Den of Geek ranked Tellarites the 25th best aliens of the Star Trek franchise.

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