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Chancellor (a.k.a. Mother of the Empire)

L'rell is the current chancellor of the Klingon Empire and perhaps its most unusual.     Her reign, like many other chancellors before her and after however would not last. In 2265 L'rell was assassinated by members of House . This in turn would lead to ascension to the chancellorship upon which he immediately declared war upon the Federation, intent on completing what he believed was the Empire's destiny that had been wrongly taken away.This culminated in the occupation of Organia, during which as Federation Klingon forces met in orbit to fight, the Organians revealed their true nature to the two species and imposed a truce between both nations that would be known as the Organian Peace Treaty.   However, L'rell's story would not end here. In 2411, a new Klingon Civil War erupted when the time-displaced warrior J'ula of House Mo'Kai appeared and began an uprising against Chancellor J'mpok, who she considered tryanical and weak, especially in relation to allowing an alliance between the Empire and non-Klingon nations such as the Federation and the Romulan Republic.     An interesting issue regarding L'rell and her current rulership is her "ressurection" and the perception of this among Klingons. Many who now follow her truely believe that Klingon forces led by General Martok and J'ula embarked on a spirtual quest during which they stormed "Grethor" and bargined with Fekl'r for her and Chancellor Gowron's soul. Martok, Jul'a, the Klingon Forces that accompanied them to Boreth and the monks of the world also continue to contest this story as the actual truth behind the chancellor's return. Even Ambassador Worf has stated that he believes this to be the case. The effect of this on Klingon culture however is tremendous and has een noted to be not unlike the effect that the clone of Kahless had on the Klingon people when he appeared publically. Many see the chancellor as a mythical hero, perhaps even devine, a far-cry in respect that many past chancellors never had. The story of her ressurection has taken on incredible life among Klingon lore-singers and revelers at its many halls and inns. As such, loyalty to L'rell is unusally more prominent within the Empire population. Even non-Klinon subjects see her favorourably as she has continued and expanded the reforms that J'mpok had been enacting between the end of the Federation-Klingon War and the Civil War, publically honouring the member races that stood by her side and granting them more local autonomy and equal standing with the Empire's ranks.   While Sarfleet finds the account of L'rell's return difficult to believe due to its "mystical" nature and believes her to be a clone rather than the original individual from the 23rd century, it is however satisifed with her statemanship. Since the begining of her term in the 25th century, she has ably led the rebuilding effort accross the Empire and brought about stability that has not been seen within the Empire since Martok's term. And while Federation leaders were initially worried about how she would conduct foreign affairs especially considering her part in the Four Year's War, L'rell has been consistently friendly in her dealings with the Federation and other nations. She has even addressed this issue in public several times, noting that what she had learned of the Federation during the Four Years War and since her return has shown her that "The Federation has honour which I was blind to see in my youth".
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