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Chugtai, LCDR Dinesh, PhD

Lt. Commander Dinesh Naveed Chugtai

Assistant Chief Science Officer
U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While pursuing his doctorate degree at the Vulcan Science Academy, Dinesh met Emily Gordon (an archaeologist from Earth who was working at an excavation in the mountains of Gol). He married her in 2355 during his final year of studies.   In 2364, Dinesh took an extended leave of absence when Emily was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. He took a professorship at Cambridge during this time and stayed by his wife’s side until her death in 2369. Afterwards, he requested his commission to be reactivated and to be given a shipboard assignment to get away from Earth for awhile.   In March 2370 he was assigned to the U.S.S. Aurora with his previously held rank of full Lieutenant, although he was assigned as the Assistant Chief Science Officer position.


2348-2352: Science Track, Starfleet Academy
2352-2356: Doctoral Studies, Vulcan Science Academy


2356-2364: Served aboard two survey vessels and an outpost near the Klingon border. Details TBD.
2364-2369: Took a leave of absence to care for his ailing wife.
2369: Commission reactivated late in the year. Assigned to Starfleet HQ while waiting for a shipboard position to become available.
2370: Assistant Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513
2370: Assistant Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Commander, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513

Personality Characteristics


Dinesh’s primary concern in life is science. Since the passing of his wife, Dinesh has buried himself in this day-to-day duties and research to deal with his grief. He still wears his wedding band, despite having been a widower for over a year.

Likes & Dislikes

While literature and listening to music are his recreational passions, Dinesh collects various wines from Earth and Vulcan. He also likes to go hiking and mountain climbing for relaxation.

Vices & Personality flaws

An early disappointment with his superiors left him rather cynical and weary for a citizen of the 24th century and he often feels as though he has been held to a higher standard that few others are judged by. This makes him tend to be direct and to the point, but he does display a rather dry, albeit sarcastic, sense of humor.

Personality Quirks

While paranoia might be too strong of a word, Dinesh constantly watches his surroundings and keeps a close eye on the slightest details of whatever he happens to be working on.


Religious Views

Despite being devoted to science, he has a Quran in his quarters that has been passed down through his family for over four hundred years.

Assistant Chief Science Officer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513

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Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Assistant Chief Science Officer
U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513
Date of Birth
February 21
Year of Birth
2330 40 Years old
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, Earth
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
159 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Federation Standard

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