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Hardy, LCDR Alec J.

Lt. Commander Alec James Hardy

Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slim build

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alec is a fourth-generation Starfleet officer who was raised by his maternal grandparents in his hometown of Edinburgh after both of his parents were killed fighting in the Cardassian war. During his junior year at Starfleet Academy, Alec met and became friends with Dr. Oswald Graham, who was beginning his freshman year at the time.   In 2354, Alec married Claire Ripley, a human who lived on the Federation colony of Volan III. The following year, Claire gave birth to their daughter Daisy.   Alec and Claire amicably divorced in 2366 due to her insistence on staying on Volan to raise their daughter and him being away so much due to his Starfleet career. He maintains a healthy relationship with both of them.   Toward the end of 2369, Alec was nearly faced a court-martial for punching his commanding officer, Captain Edward Jellico of the USS Cairo. Alec did this in response to Jellico’s work on the new Federation-Cardassian Treaty that was eventually going to lead to the upheaval of several Federation colonies along the Cardassian border. Feeling that this jeopardized the safety of his ex-wife and daughter, along with some deep-rooted feelings of resentment over the loss of his parents, Alec snapped and knocked Jellico unconscious.   While facing court-martial proceedings, the only thing saving his career was the intervention of Vice Admiral Gordon Cole, a man whom Alec had never met. Alec was demoted from Lieutenant Commander to full Lieutenant and transferred to the USS Aurora, a vessel assigned on the complete opposite side of Federation Space.   Hardy was promoted back to Lieutenant Commander in September of 2370.


2344-2348: Engineering Track, Starfleet Academy


2348-2365: TBD
2365-2368: Assistant Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Cairo NCC-42136
2368-2370: Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Cairo NCC-42136
2370: Chief Engineer, Lieutenant, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513
2370: Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513

Personality Characteristics


The most important thing to Alec is his daughter’s safety and well-being (and by extension her mother’s). His prolonged absence from her day-to-day life isn’t lost on him given that he himself grew up without his own parents. The second most important thing to Alec is his Scottish heritage. He has tried to replicate haggis for other crew members and can often be found in the shuttle bay practicing his bagpipes.

Vices & Personality flaws

Before Commander Telford's reassignment, Hardy had a very antagonistic relationship him and no one aboard the Aurora seemed to know why. From trading verbal barbs, to questioning each other’s competence, to trading curses in the corridors; there was a running bet as to when they were finally going to trade blows.

Personality Quirks

It has been joked that Alec is every Vulcan’s worst nightmare. He is emotional, prideful, brooding and somewhat hot-headed. His subordinates describe him as “moody,” laughing jovially one minute and then going dour and silent.   Despite this, he does his best to be respectful to others unless he feels pushed into doing otherwise. His greatest psychological flaw is his tendency to allow anger and frustration to build up for extended periods of time and then lashing out, usually involving throwing his tools at the wall in Engineering.

Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513

View Character Profile
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Aurora NCC-73513
Date of Birth
April 18
Year of Birth
2326 44 Years old
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, Earth
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
176 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Federation Standard

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