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USS Lexington

The USS Lexington was commissioned in 2258 under the command of then Captain Robert Wesley.

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Prior to 2268 Captain Wesley was promoted to the rank of Commodore and given special dispensation to continue serving as CO of the Lexington.

In 2268, the Lexington along with the USS Excalibur, the USS Hood, and the USS Potemkin took part in a wargames scenario against the USS Enterprise in order to test the prototype M-5 multitronic unit computer. During the excercise, the M-5 suffered a severe malfunction causing the Enterprise to attack the other ships with full weapon strength resulting in the death of the entire crew of the Excalibur. Upon gaining approval by Starfleet Command, Commodore Wesley prepared the Lexington to destroy the Enterprise but called off the attack once the faulty computer was determined to have been disabled.

Following this incident Commodore Wesley retired from Starfleet as he had previously been asked by the government of the Mantilles colony to assume the governorship of that community.

Command of the Lexington was then assigned to Captain ____ and on 8 January, 2269 the Lexington embarked on a five-year mission of exploration.

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” -- Stephen Hawking
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