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Kred Jervata

Early Life


  Born on Chandrila to a middle-class family as the only son amongst four children. His father ran a well known fishery and his mother was a 'Vestibul', a political representative of Chandrila's middle class. Kred's father, Visk, was fairly prominent in this 'class' of society, a decorated veteran of the Chandrilan PDF Detachment that served abroad during the Clone Wars. Despite his local reputation, he maintained an aloof distance from his family, running his business from off world rather than on his home planet.   Instead of being groomed through traditional schooling to follow in his father's path as was common for most of his class, Kred attended sessions of the Chandrilan House with his mother, I'Reis, and life-long family friend Canna Omonda. Witnessing the inner workings of democracy, in its harsh duality, Kred came to understand and eventually integrate into the higher society of his home.   When Kred came of age, he was offered a formal position as aide within House Omonda. Here he would serve as part of a hybrid honor-guard/advisor body within the family. This was common practice between the political Houses and families of the various merchants and artisans that made up middle-class society. It gave wayward children of Chandrila an opportunity to groom themselves in the proud political system that saved their people from catastrophe for something greater. It was a life of intrigue and political leap-frogging, with the occasional excitement of assassination attempts and violent subterfuge.   He gladly consented to the time-honored tradition. He wanted to become something more than a peaceful fish merchant, and he was soon an oathbound member of House Omonda. For five years, Kred helped Canna Omonda with her dealings in Chandrilan and Galactic politics, sometimes traveling with her and her daughter Kalla to Coruscant for sessions of the Imperial Senate alongside Mon Mothma, the Chandrilan Senator. There he saw first hand the corruption and decadence of the Empire. While Kred's mother advised caution and restraint when it came to policy for the sake of maintaining peace and stability, Canna was a very loud critic of the Palpatine regime, which in turn shaped Kred's views on the galaxy and led to more friction within his family.  


  With increasing frequency, Kred would be involved in tense, sometimes violent encounters with his House's most tenacious rival: House Pherros. The two houses had a history of conflict going back to the ancient times of the Legio Years, the time period of Chandrila's last wars. It was the upstart House Omonda that helped lead a coalition to unify the majority of Chandrila's city-republics into a unifed body, the Chandrilan Assembly. House Pherros was one of the last ones to submit. A deeply conservative House that has begun stoking flames of reactionary "reforms" after tasting glory from the Clone Wars, the political infighting between the two Houses only intensified over the course of time.   When Mon Mothma was branded a traitor by Emperor Palpatine in 3 BBY, Canna Omonda took her position as Imperial Senator of Chandrila. At this point, Kred was spending more time abroad than he was at home, becoming ever closer to the Omondas and more distant from his blood relations. This was especially true in the case of Kalla. The two had, over long years of companionship, developed a romantic relationship during their travels together. As passions flared, so too did the growing conflict between Houses Omonda and Pherros.   When the Imperial Senate was dissolved after Alderaan's destruction, Canna Omanda was among the first to speak out publicly against the Emperor's actions. In short order, the Empire sent three Star Destroyers to pacify the rebel sympathizers on Chandrila. Palpatine declared House Omonda as enemies of the Imperial seat, calling for all loyal subjects to capture or kill her as able. As stormtroopers and Imperial walkers descended onto the Chandrilan capital of Hanna City, Kred raced to assist in the evacuation effort. Though the Chandrilan Defense Force put up a hard fight at the Imperial landing zones, the betrayal of the Imperial loyalist houses hastened their defeat. Worse, the assassins of house Pherros led a raid against the Omanda estate, capturing or slaying the majority of the family's retainers in brutal combat.   Magos, Armsman of house Omanda contested against a dozen such assassins in a final defense of his mistress and her daughter, dying in her arms after the timely arrival of Kred. Realizing that the Imperials would soon storm the estate, Canna elected to entrust Kalla with the future of House Omanda with Kred as her guardian and protector. Staying behind to be captured (and summarily executed), Canna sent the pair away, hoping to draw attention toward her movements.   "You must live, child. That is the only victory remaining to us now. House Omanda can only have its vengeance through survival." - Canna Omanda's last words to her daughter, Kalla   Attempting to escape, the pair made their way to a secondary hangar where the family's leisure skiff was concealed. Nearly making it, they ran headlong into middle of a firefight, becoming separated by a hail of blaster fire. Unable to reach Kalla, Kred urged her to go on without him, promising to rendezvous elsewhere when he was able. With Pherros assassins closing in, Kred fled into the sanitary system, escaping through the sewers that led to a lake bordering the estate. Exhausted, cold and drenched on the opposing shore, he witnessed the Imperial bombardment of the estate, which was reduced to a glowing rubble-strewn ruin. With no way of knowing if Kalla had managed to escape, Kred returned to the only haven remaining to him: His Mother's home. Unbeknownst to him, due to her association with House Omanda, House Pherros had deemed the Jervatas as enemies in kind. Kred, returning home for the first time in years, discovered the bodies of his Mother and sisters. A lone Pherros assassin had remained behind, attempting to kill Kred as well. Fortunately, Drekker Tann, a friend of Kred's father intervened just in time before shepherding Kred off-world in his freighter.   With nowhere to turn and no sign of Kalla, Kred fell into despair. Drekker, whom initially intended to bring Kred to Visk, eventually elected against that path. Offering Kred a position as part of his crew, Drekker intended to ensure Kred's safety through anonymity. Kred, however, eventually broke free of his fugue, turning his attention back toward Kalla and revenge for House Omanda. Making port on Bothawui, Kred said his farewells, thanking Drekker for saving his life and swearing to repay the kindness some day. Kred would then join the Rebellion, fresh from its victory at Yavin, utilizing his house-guard training to join the elite Alliance Commandos of Rancor Company. Though unable to find Kalla, Kred stayed true to his final promise to Canna, sworn with tears in his eyes and blood on his lips.   "Promise me that you will do our House honor. You will see that she is safe. You will see that you are safe. The both of you will find your paths soon enough. Follow them and live your lives as best as you can. For me, you will promise this." - Canna Omonda's last words to Kred Jervata before her capture.

Black Squadron

Kred would fight alongside Rancor company from Hoth up until the unit's destruction alongside the Independence at the Battle of Dantooine. During his tenure with the unit, Kred would be dispatched alongside then Commander Mireille Nem for a special mission on Coruscant alongside Black Squadron . During the mission, Jervata developed a fast working rapport with Dami Crik, who would save Kred's life during the unit's escape from the planet. In the process, Dami would reveal himself as a Force Sensitive to the Empire.     Following the disastrous Battle of Dantooine, Kred would be captured by the Empire and remanded to the Dathomir Excavation Camp. In pursuit of retrieving the captured Mireille Nem , Maximilian Eroun would bring Black Squadron to Dathomir. After entering the camp and fighting through Imperial defenses leading up to the prison, Kred would reunite with Black Squadron, telling them of the fate of the crew of the Independence. Kred, now without a formal posting, would be integrated into the squadron. He would continue to serve with bravery and distinction throughout the course of their mission, eventually being elevated to the rank of Lieutenant shortly before the Squadron's reformation into Black Fleet.


  Shortly after the death of Maximillian Eroun, Kred would begin to develop an affinity for the Force. Eventually, he would find a teacher in Jedi Master Par Senesca, who had joined Black Fleet as Dami's master. Kred would also develop a shared romantic interest in Zana Inez (later revealed to be Zana Jade) during this period. Now serving as de facto leader of Black Squadron under Black Fleet's commander, Mireille Nem, Kred would find himself torn between the various responsibilities and oaths he had taken on. Developing quickly in his Jedi training under Par, Kred's former comradery with Dami would deteriorate into rivalry as Dami strayed further from the Jedi path. When Dami eventually departed from the Rebellion following the death of Adinor Savin on Dantooine, Kred would redouble his efforts toward his Jedi training, becoming a model student.   That floundering relationship was supplanted by the incorporation of Sazi , a former Imperial Force-Sensitive, whom had turned on her former masters following a disastrous raid on Kashyyyk. Sazi would assist Par in the training of Jervata, eventually beginning down the path of a Jedi largely due to Kred's positive influence and friendship. With the war winding down following the death of the Emperor, Black Fleet's attentions were shifted away from the Eclipse toward another ISRG program.   Having discovered the Emperor's secret Force Sensitive Development Program, the Alliance tasked Mireille Nem and Black Fleet to discover the purpose of the program and retrieve any officials or information that could be found. With the Empire dissolving around the program, those in charge raced to dismantle the evidence of their works even as Black Fleet rushed to collect it. Black Fleet eventually discovered Ace , a subject of the program, who would be taken in by the Squadron. During this time, Kred was formally knighted by Par, becoming a fully-fledged Jedi.  


  During his final trial as a Padawan, Kred immersed himself into the vergence that laid beneath the former Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The vergence's energy had been corrupted by Emperor Palpatine, who used it to try and prolong his lifespan. In doing so, Palpatine left behind a 'shard' of himself. This Shard was the good and humane side of the man, seemingly shedding it to achieve great power. Kred spoke to this Shard at length, who first appeared before the young Jedi as a Master of the old Order; Sifo Diyas. The two discussed the philosophy behind the Force and the old Order. The Shard then revealed its true identity to Kred, and the two hatched a plan to try and cleanse the vergence of the dark side energy Palpatine had imbued into it.   As Kred tried to connect to the vergence, he stumbled onto something far, far more extraordinary than he could imagine. Becoming lost in the darkness that surrounded the vergence, Kred began to experience terrible visions. A galaxy torn apart by constant war, warriors clad in terrifying armor killing each other in droves, snapshots of events that seemed to signify someone else's journey. When they ended, Kred found himself in a realm of shadow with another person, a man clad in beskar and wielding a lightsaber. The two regarded each other with great caution at first, though as their initial conversation went on, they seemingly found a rapport with one another. The newcomer revealed himself to be Val, a Tarisian noble who sought the title of Emperor to an Empire that wasn't the one Kred had been fighting against.   It was then that the two realized what was occurring. Val resided in the far-distant future, hundreds of years from Kred's time. Val would reveal to Kred that the Republic would fall within his lifetime, that darkness would envelope the galaxy and that everything Kred had fought for would be in vain.   With time running short, the two would make a promise to one another. The Force had connected these two disparate men for a reason, and so they would try to help one another if they ever met again. Despite Val's usage of Sith language and power, Kred felt a kindred-ship with the would-be Emperor, and made a promise to himself that he would do what he could to get Val from the clutches of the dark side, somehow, some way.   Kred would eventually succeed in cleansing the vergence, ridding the Jedi Temple of the dark side energy that permeated it. He would be tormented by the visions he had experienced, the burden of impending doom forever staying fresh in his mind, even long after the war.  


  After Black Squadron's pathfinding mission to Prakith, Kred would go AWOL once again to accompany Sazi to the planet of Byss, not intending to let his friend face what was there alone. Not only that, but he learned during the course of the Prakith op that Kalla Omonda had been given command of the Eclipse, and he hoped to rescue the last Omonda before Black Fleet began it's operation. As the two Jedi made their way to the mysterious Imperial stronghold, Kred experienced another vision, one that showed Kalla dying in his arms on the bridge of an immense starship. The Shadow, an entity that had haunted Kred since Black Squadron's mission on Dxun, appeared before him one more time, claiming that this was more prophecy than vision. Kred refused to believe her, defying her words with his convictions that Kalla was not lost, and that it was still possible to save her. While the Shadow approved of his defiance against the will of the Force, she bemoaned the young Jedi's stubbornness and bid him farewell.   Kred and Sazi's raid on the Imperial fortress would be very short-lived, as it turned out to be a trap for the two. The First Sister, revealing herself to be Sazi's mother, Barriss Offee. The two were then separated. Kred was drugged repeatedly to nullify his connection to the Force, making it impossible for any force-user to find him.   Eventually, Kred and Kalla would reunite once more. She pleaded with him to join the Sith, and in turn, he pleaded with her to renounce the Empire. They would reach an impasse during a mock-execution until Black Fleet entered the system, starting a running battle that ended as the fleet hid within the gas giant. Just as the battle reached it's apex, when Black Squadron boarded the Eclipse itself, Kalla would reveal her true colors, helping to set Kred and Sazi free. The trio would clear the bridge, to which Kalla moved to use the Eclipse's superweapon on the Imperial fleet. Ever the hopeful Jedi, Kred would make one final plea to her, using the memory of their House to try to guide her back.   It succeeded, but at this point, a newcomer joined the bridge. The terrifying form of Mandalore the Reckoning entered, wanting to take the ship for himself and use the superweapon. Kred, again, refused to let this happen, but this time his arguments fell on unconvinced ears. Not wanting to fight his friend and comrade, Kred tried everything he could to not let the ensuing battle happen, but it was of no use. Fighting Mandalore with everything they could possibly muster, Kred and Sazi fought one of the most terrifying battles they ever faced. They would triumph, delaying Mandalore until the rest of Black Squadron disabled the superweapon. It would come, however, at a terrible cost. During the fighting, Kalla was hit by an errant blaster round from Mandalore. As Kred and Sazi tried to bring her to the medical wing, the Shadow's efforts to usurp the superweapon's power would cause every Force-user within the ship to go into a manic state. The two Jedi would duel each other in a blind frenzy, and by the time they recovered and reached their senses, it was too late. The prophecy that was foretold would come to pass as Kalla died in Kred's arms. Wounded and broken, both physically and mentally, Kred would begin a dark path.  


  The days following the Raid on Byss were the worst of Kred's life. Cutting himself off from the vast majority of the Squadron, he grew distant and vengeful. It was this time that he crossed paths with Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master and friend to Dami Crik. At first seeking help with tracking down Mara Jade, Luke would help Kred bury Kalla back on Chandrila, taking Zana and Sazi along with them aboard the Millennium Falcon.   Kred's return to Chandrila would herald a series of loose ends being tied in the form of Jyden Pherros. The Patriarch of the Omonda's longtime rival and enemy tried to ambush Kred as he returned from the ruins of the Omonda estate, having buried Kalla in the garden grounds. The ambush failed spectacularly, and Kred would almost give in to darker urges, wanting to kill the man who orchestrated the fall of his House. Thanks to the efforts of Luke and Zana, Kred didn't cross that line, deciding to let the Assembly deal with the rogue politician. Despite this, Kred wallowed in his grief, even as an old family friend, Kellan Grostok, gave him a package that Canna Omonda had left for him in case of her death; It contained a cloak and, surprisingly, a lightsaber. With the revelation that Canna had to have been some kind of Force-user, Kred wandered off in search of answers. In the mountains that overlooked Hanna City, and through a shared vision with Mara Jade, he faced the darkness that threatened to consume him, communing with the presence of his long-lost mother figure and solidifying his desire to be a Jedi Knight, opting to embrace the will of the Force.   Afterwards, Kred would continue on his search for the aforementioned Mara Jade. As they traveled and fought together during this mission, Kred would grow an immense respect for Luke, eventually becoming a good friend not just to the Jedi Master, but to his extended family in the form of the Skywalker/Solo clan. After they had dealt with the Jade problem as best as they could, stripping her of the Force in a desperate action to remove Palpatine's influence from her, Luke would ask for Kred's help in founding a new Academy on Yavin, which he accepted. It was on the grounds of this Academy that Kred proposed to Zana, holding a small private ceremony in the very space that would become the home of the New Jedi Order. The two would purchase a ship together, a YT-2400, heavily modified to the couple's specifications, and begin their honeymoon by exploring the Galaxy, as they promised each other back during the war.  


  In the decade after, Kred would travel the galaxy with Zana and their droids, spreading the light of the New Jedi Order with every mission and misadventure they came across. Uncovering mysteries of the Jedi, hunting down wanted criminals of various crime syndicates, overthrowing tyrannical warlords (both Imperial and otherwise), providing humanitarian aid to far out systems in need of help, the list went on. The life of a Jedi suited Kred perfectly, and he flourished doing something he had wanted to do, in his very core, since he was a boy. Being Luke's "left hand man", as Kred would put it, on top of tagging along with Zana on business dealings with the Jade Corporation and their partners, their lives weren't left wanting in excitement and adventure.   During this time, Kred and Zana would welcome their daughter, Canna Jade-Jervata, into the galaxy. Strong in the Force, the first few years of her life would provide unique challenges to her parents, but they would rise to the task. The small family would cut back on the more exciting missions, though Kred would keep in touch with both Mireille Nem and Drex Nogru, wanting both of them to play some part in the new Order he was helping to build.   However, the reprieve from adventure wouldn't last. As old enemies made moves on the periphery of the Galaxy, Kred Jervata would again be called on to do his part. Taking on his first apprentices, Nessira Adrass and Tav Okoris, he would take the next steps of his Path, trusting in the Force to guide him, as it always did.
Year of Birth
21 BBY 30 Years old
Long, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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