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Sazi Offee

Early Life

  Born late in the year following the dissolution of the old Republic to her mother, former Jedi Knight Barriss Offee, and an unknown father Sazi was immediately recognized by the Emperor as a suitable candidate for his planned organization of Force-Sensitives. Raised by her mother, whom had joined Palpatine's newly-formed Inquisitorious, Sazi was carefully instructed in the force. Always in close proximity to the Emperor, Sazi would also be subject to mental conditioning alongside a number of other promising force-sensitives.  

The Emperor's Hand

Throughout her training at the hand of her Mother and the Dark Lord Vader, Sazi would quickly distinguish herself as a powerful acolyte of the dark side. Unbeknownst to her and the other acolytes, this significant power originated from the influence of the Emperor. Despite this, Sazi would repeatedly experience moments of clarity, wherein her own consciousness would temporarily banish the influence of Darth Sidious. These instances were, unfortunately, brief and quickly buried by the Emperor's own will. This left Sazi and the other students as little more than instruments of the Emperor. Eventually, Sazi would elevate herself to the top of her class, beginning the final trials before assuming her place at the Emperor's side.   The final test, intended to ensure that only the most powerful acolytes survived, pitted Sazi against seven other students. This included her closest friend, Afimi, whom Sazi believed to be the best of her peers. Surviving the travails of the jungle moon of Dxun, Sazi moved to claim a hidden lightsaber, the symbol of her office.   Afimi arrived at the location at the same instant, the two hesitating briefly before engaging in a desperate fight to survive. Sazi quickly found herself outmatched, Afimi poised to kill her with her own survival knife. Afimi however, hesitated, allowing Sazi to wrestle the knife free and land a mortal blow. It would not be until many years later that Sazi would realize that Afimi had been close to breaking free of the Emperor's influence.   Sazi would go on to act in her role as a member of the Hand until the Emperor's death.  

Black Squadron

Awakening and Escape

Coming to awareness of her actions in the wake of Sidious' death, Sazi would quickly determine that she had no intention in following the trajectory of the Empire. Her mother, Barriss, would attempt to sway Sazi unsuccessfully. Before what would become her final mission to Kashyyyk, Sazi and Barriss would argue about the matter, Sazi electing to leave the Empire's grasp at her nearest opportunity.   This would arrive shortly thereafter, as her mission to destroy the World Tree of Kashyyyk came to ruin at the hands of Black Squadron. Attempting to flee the battle after the death of her fellows, Sazi would quickly find herself in a tenuous alliance with Dami Crik. Crik, first student of Jedi Master Par Senesca, would assist Sazi in escaping Kashyyyk, eventually arriving on Dantooine with Black Squadron.  

Jedi Path

Dami, whom had been contesting against his own inner darkness, would challenge Sazi to finish their undecided duel. Not one to deny a challenge, Sazi obliged Dami under the pretense that the duel would be bloodless. Dami, giving into his rage, would call upon the dark side, attempting to kill Sazi. Sazi, however, quickly recovered, defeating Dami and leaving him alone to consider his actions.   In short order, Sazi would find herself travelling with Black Squadron and training alongside Kred Jervata as a student of Par Senesca (though she did not divulge this to the other members of the squadron). This immersion in a close-knit team outside of the Empire's rigid hierarchy only hastened her elevation to the light side of the force.   In the waning days leading up to the battle of Prakith, Sazi left Black Squadron behind, taking on a journey of discovery. Traveling first to Dxun, she returned the lightsaber she had claimed and made peace with the spirit of her slain friend, Afimi. Sazi then traveled to Dantooine, retracing the steps described by Kred Jervata to claim a lightsaber crystal of her own. With this she constructed her own weapon, free of the darkness of her first.   Byss and the Fall of the Eclipse Her final destination being Byss, Sazi eventually found her way to Prakith and a rendezvous with Black Squadron. Revealing the truth of her parentage and her intention to confront her mother, Sazi requested aid from the squadron. Though only Kred agreed to follow her, wishing to try and sway Kalla Omanda, the other members of the squadron promised to follow on in short order and aid her mission.   Kred and Sazi would arrive on Byss, breaching the outer perimeter before beginning a short-lived infiltration of the Emperor's hidden fortress. This would, however, prove to be a trap. The First Sister, Barriss Offee and a half-dozen of her students ambushed the pair of Jedi, forcing them to surrender. Sazi would attempt to further redeem her mother, but was rejected, Barriss threatening to torture Jervata until Sazi swore to return to the fold of the Sith.   With the arrival of Black Fleet, Sazi and Kred, with aid from Kalla Omanda (whom had been working against the Empire as a deep-cover agent), would sieze the bridge of the Eclipse. Assisting Kred in dissuading Kalla from using the weapon to target the Imperial fleet (and Black Fleet), the Jedi would soon find themselves contested against the titanic strength of Mandalore the Reckoning. Mandalore, seeing the potential of the Eclipse, sought to use the weapon against the Empire, to exact vengeance for the scouring of his people.   Triumphing over Mandalore at great cost, Sazi would bear witness to the death of Kalla Omonda and the capture of the Imperial fleet by the Shadow, a mysterious dark force that had taken Dami Crik as its thrall. Black Fleet, succeeding in preventing the Eclipse from intervening in the Battle of Prakith, would retreat, Mandalore staying behind to face the Shadow alongside Kaesha Fulrau and Petros Admassu.   Her travels complete, Sazi formally took on the title of Jedi, asking Kred to knight her in place of Par Senesca, whom was still mourning the death of his first student, Dami. She would continue to travel with Jervata as he went on to bury Omanda and eventually travel alongside Luke Skywalker to confront Mara Jade, the last of the Emperor's Hand.  

After the War

Jedi, Tutor, Master

Through her association with Kred, Sazi would eventually be invited to join Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple on Yavin IV. Assisting in the construction and recruitment efforts, she would establish herself as the academy's foremost lightsaber fencing and martial arts instructor. Respected by her students, Sazi elected to not take on apprentices, believing her duty was to guide the younger Jedi. This did not prevent her, however, from choosing favorites and devoting time to their instruction.   One such student, Nessira Adrass, would garner much adoration and attention from Sazi. A quick learner, powerful in the force, Sazi would help Nessira become the top fighter in her class. In time, however, Sazi would begin to sense a growing conflict within herself. Echoes of the war spurred her toward action. Offee could sense that her mother was still alive, that even as Sazi labored to rebuild the Jedi, Barriss worked to engineer the downfall of her students.   Worse, with the arrival of Ace Nogru, Sazi quickly discovered a darkness residing in the girl, one that echoed her own experiences at the Empire's hands. Already trained thoroughly by Par Senesca, Kred and Sazi herself, Ace had little to learn at the academy. Originally intending to take on Nessira as her first apprentice, Sazi elected to take on Ace after long discussion with Luke, hoping to council her student in a way she was uniquely qualified to handle.  

The Abiding Force

Mission to Rago Major

Taking on a few minor missions, Sazi quickly rebuilt her rapport with Ace. Though strong-headed, the apprentice quickly recognized that Sazi was no longer merely a family friend, but the authority who would decide if and when Ace would become a Jedi proper. Redoubling her efforts, Ace quickly fell into a routine alongside Sazi, hoping to match her Master's conception of what it meant to be a Jedi.   On what seemed an ordinary mission, Sazi and Ace would travel to the world of Rago Major to investigate the disappearances of a number of prominent local citizens.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Sazi is a trained force-sensitive. She favors the lightsaber form of Juyo, but has began to add new skills and force abilities under the tutelage of Par Senesca.

Apparel & Accessories

Sazi favors the armored clothing of her previous profession. However, she has since removed Imperial iconography.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Trained by the Empire from childhood, Sazi served as an agent, enforcer & assassin for the Emperor. However, following Palpatine's death on the second Death Star, the seemingly force-imbued connection she held with the Emperor was severed.

Mental Trauma

Though loathe to admit it, Sazi was subject to indescribable abuse and torment at the hands of her previous masters.

Morality & Philosophy

Though no longer a member of the Empire, Sazi retains a measure of the mentality conditioned into her since childhood. Though she has made strides away from her original outlook, she has found it difficult to embrace the ideals of the New Republic wholeheartedly.
Year of Birth
18 BBY 27 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green with black crossing pattern
Founded Settlements

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