
Bob is what you would call a Bardbarian - he is fond of song and music and general, but has no issue with hard and brutal fighting when needed. His weapons of choice are a modified Heavy Slugpistol, a Medium Shield Generator, and a Vibroflail. His war cry of "Fight me naked if you're a man!" strikes confusion and fear into those that lay eyes on him barreling his way through formations. He is well adept at fighting in close quarters with his allies, and can be relied upon to push through even the toughest hordes.    When not fighting he is well known for his lute playing and singing, and prefers the sea shanties he learned as a dock hand in Lianna's spaceports. He is well traveled and will talk long with anyone willing about his adventures and life. His muscled frame, impressive even for a former clone trooper, has served him well as a dock hand and fighter, and all but few would think twice about fighting him up close. Despite his size and stature, he is kind hearted, preferring to avoid conflict when he can and choosing to befriend most.

A former Clone Captain, Bob has not taken well to the new Imperial regime. Holding a disdain for the bureaucratic nature of the Empire, the overall low quality of recruits and troopers, and the Imperial ideals themselves, Bob left the service of the Empire shortly after its formation. Like most clones, he struggled to find work for a long time, as few saw the clones as anything more than mercenaries and fighters - no better than the droids they had fought. He has spent the last decade working at the Lianna cargo ports, where his immense strength has proven more than useful. He has proven to be more than just brawn, and has shown a keen interest in tech, and for music. He is well known now for his songs and lively personality.

Character Location
Neutral Light
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
23 (Chronological) 46 (Biological)
Salt and Pepper hair kept short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, marked with many scars.
Aligned Organization