Jal Shey Order

The Jal Shey were an ancient order of users who studied the Force from a purely intellectual perspective, forsaking the more spiritual paths taken by the Jedi and Sith. Jal Shey were typically more known for diplomacy, on par with the greatest Jedi negotiators, but, unlike the Jedi and Sith, they were less successful in physical pursuits, even where the Force was involved. The Jal Shey were also a nomadic group, traveling the galaxy in search of new locations to study the Force, and they were particularly selective about recruiting new members.   Because they lacked the physical abilities of the Jedi, Jal Shey members often wore various types of armor to protect themselves. They also created other devices such as Jal Shey meditation gloves and Jal Shey belts to further augment their physical abilities, imbuing them with the Force. The Jal Shey were known to have three ranks: mentors, advisors, and neophytes.   The Jal Shey order was considered one of the oldest Force-using traditions as early as 4000 BBY. By the time of the Jedi Civil War, they were known to be widespread and items crafted by them could be found across the galaxy. They were nomadic by nature and did not settle for long in any particular place. Instead, they searched for places that could improve their understanding of the Force. Yet the Jal Shey were not only scholars and observers of the Force; they also participated in the life of the society in which they operated, using their knowledge to help improve the lives of beings around them. The Jedi largely considered them just another Force-using sect comparable to the Zeison Sha. Following the Great Sith War, they roamed the galaxy and were regarded as militant, but retained their philosophy of viewing the Force intellectually rather than spiritually. The Mabari, an order of warrior knights that lived on the planet Zolan, eventually developed from Jal Shey teachings. The Jal Shey remained in existence circa 19 BBY, during the formation of the Galactic Empire.   The library hidden on Mataou is home to one of their most powerful tools, "the world between worlds", which has aided in the collection of the vast sums of knowledge they possess and their prowess as diplomats.
Notable Members