Job Leads

Lianna is rife with its own criminal underworld, and the bounty boards are an open opportunity to make some cash on the side. Some sector wide calls for help may also be found.   Gav Alul - an Ithorian wanted for robbing one of Santhe's executives a while ago. Rumor has it he hangs around the warehouse district where he runs with a small local gang. WANTED ALIVE - 3500cr   Catjodo - a female Twi'lek wanted for the murder of an Imperial official. Last spotted hijacking a Barloz class Medium Freighter and heading for Lianna's fourth moon. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - 12000cr - Opportunity Failed   Tho Prid - a Quarren wanted for the theft of several land speeders and recently an entire shipment of Imperial speederbikes. Possibly located in the slums of Lianna and runs with a large group of local thugs. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - 18000cr ALIVE 12000cr DEAD - Opportunity Completed   Protection Needed - Hunters Preferred - Magni, Desevro - A rural village on Deservo is having issues with local wildlife, and has requested the aid of the Bounty Hunter's Guild in dealing with the dangerous beasts. 30000cr - Opportunity Completed   Ship Security Wanted - A small freighter, the Arthas, has placed a request for arm guards to safeguard its valuable cargo from potential pirates along its route. Must bring own weapons. 8000cr