
"I'm not going to ask again. Where. Is. It."   Cale placed the muzzle of his heavy blaster pistol against the bruised forehead of the Weequay tied to the chair in the center of the room, punctuating his point. The Weequay was scared, battered, and bloody from the last few hours of "enhanced" interrogation techniques Cale had resorted to. He was strapped with his hands bound behind the back of the chair with a set of stuncuffs, beneath a flickering light panel hanging roughly from the ceiling. Around him lay the bodies of his co-conspirators, each riddled with scorch marks from blaster fire. The room was destroyed, the firefight having broken furniture, scorched walls, and scrapped terminals.   Cale had been on the trail of this Weequay and his allies for some time. Weeks ago a Jedi courier transport bound for Coruscant from Ossus was attacked and left adrift in the void. Its crew was only a handful of droids, its painted hull a bright white and crimson marking it as an official Jedi transport. This would usually suffice to ward all but the most serious offenders, but in this case it had only served to mark the ship as a target. When the transport failed to arrive on time, the Jedi immediately dispatched Master Kaia Dominia and her padawan Maeveli.   While the High Council assured the Republic Senate that it was likely only limited piracy and a Jedi matter, Chancellor Palpatine insisted that Cale would be assigned to assist them as a Special Investigator. However, Master Kaia and Padawan Maeveli did not seem to be perturbed by his presence, and rather enjoyed the company. When they arrived to the ship they found it floating with clear signs of damage and forced entry. Its outer hatch was cut open, and inside the ship everyone room had been torn apart and panels ripped form the walls. Its droid crew were all destroyed and lifeless, with nothing left intact enough to provide further information.   The ship was not equipped to defend itself, nor expected any assailants. The security holograms were mostly wiped, with only short video of droids being shot by blaster fire and the occasional blurry image of the boarders. The ship had been carrying ancient relics of the Jedi Order, things of little value outside of very specific collectors. With the blurry images from the security holograms and a few other clues the trio had tracked the criminals to Coronet City on Corellia. Within a smugglers den they had found the Weequay and his allies bartering with a Devronian freighter captain on the price of a canto of spice.   They had enough evidence for the Jedi and Cale to know the Weequay was involved. They knew that he had knowledge of the ship, that a Weequay had bribed a Republic official for the ships transponder code. The blaster marks matched the type he carried, and they knew this Weequay had connections to collectors of Jedi artifacts within the Hutt cartel. As they questioned him in the dark corner of the cantina, the Weequay managed to weasel out from under the Jedi's interrogation. He pointed out that they had only circumstantial evidence, that there was nothing concrete to tie him to the scene of the crime, and that there are many, many Weequay involved with the Hutts and other criminal organizations.   In his words, "Unless you're going to arrest me and everyone here for buying and selling spice, I suggest you leave."   This had angered Cale. He knew the Weequay was the one they sought. But the crowd had turned on them, and they were surrounded in an unfavorable position. The Jedi took their leave, and Cale followed. He knew what had to be done, and told Master Kaia he had other business on Corellia for the Republic and bid them farewell. Master Kaia had looked on him long enough to make him uncomfortable, but chose not to question his motives and wished him luck.   Cale followed the Weequay and his friends for some days. He kept to the shadows and blended in with the crowds, and found it all too easy to learn the location of their hideout. He waited for the right moment, watching and learning the habits of the group until he had their patterns down to almost the minute. Soon, the time would be right.   On a moonless night he made his move. The streets were mostly empty, with only a few lights luminating the doorways to apartments and shops. He made his way to the hideout, an unassuming door within an apartment hallway. Cale knocked and waited, listening to the sounds of shuffling within. He lowered his head so that the shadows hid his face. A loud buzz came from the terminal next to the door.   "What do you want?"   "I'm here to buy some spice." Cale raised a bag of credits so the terminal could see.   The door opened, and before the Rodian could speak he swiftly brought a vibrodagger up through the bottom of his jaw, lodging the blade all the way to the hilt in his skull. He pushed the body inside, leaving the dagger sheathed in the Rodian's jaw and drawing a heavy blaster pistol from beneath his cloak and another vibrodagger from a brace on his leg. The apartment was a mess, the pungent smell of spice choking the air. Down the hall the sound of loud music and a group of three men talking and laughing clued Cale to where to move next. He passed a room on his right, catching the sight of a sleeping Aqualish in a corner bed. He made short work of him, slicing his throat with the vibrodagger.   He slowly moved into the hallway again, now spotting the three men. The Weequay, a trandoshan, and cathar were playing Sabacc around a small card table, a pile of spice on a small platter and empty bottles of alcohol littering any open space on it. He immediately marked that they were armed. He took aim, and fired a single blaster bolt into the head of the cathar, killing him instantly. The Weequay and the trandoshan reacted slowly, taking a second to register the death of their compatriot before flipping the table and drawing their own blasters. The trandoshan proved a tough adversary, exchanging barrages of blaster fire with Cale before collapsing from several blaster bolts. The Weequay tried to exit through an open window, before being grabbed and thrown to the floor, taking a boot to the face to knock him unconscious.   It didn't take long for the Weequay to crack. He was weak, and Cale was more than willing to work him over.   "Where. Is. It."   "Its under the desk, theres a compartment underneath!" Cried the Weequay.   Keeping the blaster trained on him, Cale checked the desk and found a small panel beneath. He removed a small box, placing it upon the desk. Within laid the stolen Jedi artifacts, neatly placed.   "Thank you for your...cooperation." Cale said.   "Alright, you got what you want! You'll spare me, r-right? I- I- I did what you asked! T- the Jedi wouldn't kill me!" the Weequay stammered through a broken nose and bloody face.   "Yes, the Jedi would." The Weequay breathed a sigh of relief at this.   "But I am not a Jedi." Cale said coldy, placing the muzzle at the back of the Weequays head.   With a muted echo the final blaster shot filled the apartment.