Salt Shine

The nose is full of fresh corn, a touch of sweetness, a hint of butter. The mouthfeel is slightly syrupy, in a pleasant way, almost lush, soft and full. The corn continues on the palate, fairly crisp with a few hints of peach and crisp apple mixed in. The actual sip is smooth but lights an invigorating fire in you after it hits your stomach   You can't quite place it, but you swear there is an effervescent, briny aftertaste.
EFFECTS   See "Tsiraki"   HIGH   1 Minute   +d3 to Charisma based ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.   LOW   DC 14 Constitution   10 Minutes   -d3 to Charisma based ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.   ADDICTION   DC 14 Wisdom   CREATOR   Mir